The Homebrew Projects 
of Michael A. Maynard   - K4ICY

Check out some of the cool stuff I've scratched up that YOU can build...

The K4ICY Minty Keyer - 3 CMOS IC Iambic CW Keyer Minty Keyer - 3 IC Iambic CW Keyer
Arduino CW Decoder
K4ICY's CW Decoder for Arduino
Small Wonder Labs SW+40 QRP CW Rig and Homebrew Accessories SW+40 QRP Rig
Antenna Launcher
Pneumatic Tennis Ball Launcher for Hanging Antennas
The "Depot Cootie" Homebrew Side-Swiper CW Key SW+40 QRP Rig
"Moto QRP" - K4ICY's Motorcycle Pannier Transportable QRP Station
"Moto QRP" - K4ICY's Motorcycle Pannier Transportable QRP Station
K4ICY's Sega Columns Clone Hand-Held Game for Arduino Columns Game for Arduino
Dipole T Connector
A Basic Super-Rugged Dipole Antenna Center Connector "T-Shaped"
Weather-Resistant - Cylindrical Dipole Center Connector Cylindrical HF Dipole Center Connector
Some Miscellaneous Tinkerings...

CW Dual-Lever Paddle Made From Junk     Homebrew Paddle
CW Audio Filter
  CW Audio Filter

Disclaimer:  Michael A. Maynard, a.k.a. K4ICY, cannot be held liable for any cause and effect due implementation or any reproduction of any device shown on this site, nor are operational results guaranteed.  [Abracadabra, In hoc agricola conc, in est spittle louk.]

Edited: 06/26/20
(c)2020 Copyright - Michael A. Maynard, a.k.a. K4ICY