Elmer’s Good Advice - Personal counsel on dealing with 'mic fright' and making friends in the Amateur Radio hobby
Originally published in The
Printed Circuit, Newsletter of the Tallahassee Amateur
Radio Society, October 2013, page 15
Edited/Updated January 2024
I speak to you now with intended soberness and consideration.
I do not mean to preach, but I would like to share with you
two concepts that are dear to my heart and mark my experience here on
this Earth. I wish to first talk about forgiving those that
have wronged you. The hobby will be better served if we all
keep a little of this powerful Balm of Gilead at our disposal to mend
fences and cause for better relationships over the long-haul.
Then I would like to touch on a sensitive subject that has a
great deal of influence in how, not only the hobby is able to transform
the shy into the outspoken, but can prove to be the very essence of our
hobby’s function: Just as a single lady most likely will never go out
on a date with a single guy unless asked, the same can be said about
picking up the microphone and calling “CQ” against the spectre of “mic
fright.” I’ll be talking about the need to impose your
presence within any type of social structure.
The Amateur Radio Service,
at one time, required the ever-willful hand of FCC agents to wield the
punitive instruments of enforcement. As a hobby, we’ve matured to a
point where we have been granted less government oversight and are now
essentially “self-policing.” More responsibility lies upon
the heads of each individual ham to choose between right and wrong and
to act according to our avocation’s better, and often unwritten,
aspirations of
However, as we are all human
participants in this hobby, we are more or less prone to fallibility
and occasions of poor judgment. On any given night, tune in to any band
and you may often hear for yourself, a share of mean-spirited banter
and sometimes, just a basic a lack of critical thinking for the
sensitivity of others. This applies to interpersonal
relationships between local hams and club members as well. I
need not make mention of the many grudges purported to exist, brought
to light by both foul conduct and rumor.
As you know, we are a
“social” hobby and our medium is merely a platform for social
interaction rather than a means to an end. We are not paid
for our participation; we act in capacities truly on a personal
volunteer basis, and clubs like TARS are really hobby-based
associations at heart, rather than vetted service organizations with
the expectation of social protocol and hierarchy, so we as individuals
are often left with no one to complain to when others ‘cross the line’
except those we’ve gained friendship and trust in. If we have
no one, things can get lonely quick.
When you find yourself
reacting to someone that has offended you, even if it was yourself –
might I make a humble suggestion: instead of reaching out for your own Wouff-Hong
and Rettysnitch
– consider implementing a more powerful and even more effective tool of
enforcement; that of forgiveness.
This meek concept of “turning the other cheek” is not the seemingly
ineffective resort of the passive, but really like a surgeon’s scalpel,
a precision tool of intelligent discipline, one even championed by the
world’s greatest peacemakers of old. Granting forgiveness of
other’s trespasses is in truth, a sign of strength, not weakness!
The inseparable counterpart of forgiveness is repentance.
If you’ve wronged someone, you should make amends before
being able to forgive yourself.
A hallmark of a great
“Elmer” is one who is able to show forth greater forbearance, to be
more forgiving, and more willing to walk that extra mile for his fellow
person, to reach down and lift up those whom erred – gently showing
them the way – and willing to lay aside old grudges to nurture those no
more. Of course, sharp reproval is rightly necessary at
times, but only when truly appropriate, which is often hard to judge at
the moment when feelings are hurt - but it must be followed only by an
increase in kindness and love, lest the offender have no choice but to
perceive you as their enemy. “Good will,” it’s Part 97 law!
Now for a little on a
concept dear to my heart. For the record, I’ll concede to
acknowledging my lack of formal education in psychology and life in
general, but perhaps these admonitions apply more to myself.
I call this small philosophy the “Law of Inclusion.”
The law states that: “within, either a social hierarchy or
any type of interpersonal relationship structure, acceptance cannot be
gained accept only by active inclusion from one party or the other –
any absence of inclusion can only result in disassociation.”
In a nut shell, if you go to a party, and you don’t introduce
yourself, the odds are strongly against you for walking away with any
new friends. True story: I know this girl that said
she went to a party where she shyly stood against the wall the entire
time. Her friends all came home with phone numbers, and she
I’ll be the first to admit
that I’m an ‘introvert’. And let it be known; being
an introvert has a real value in society rather than being an
affliction. The greatest thinkers and doers in history were
introverts, and frankly, the best achievements could only be made in
contemplative seclusion. It is not fair to label all
introverts in general as ‘social misfits’, who would rather be by
themselves. On the contrary, as far as I can speak for
myself, I do enjoy the company of others, and I hunger just the same
for acceptance, but it tends to be more on my terms and find it hard to
manage too much interaction for longer periods of time without being
worn down. The recent and troubling circumstance in my
personal life can be traced to my introversion rather than a misspent
expenditure of quality time on other pursuits. A
wise person once stated to me “I am the way I was made.”
There is no immediate harm in this thought; it acknowledges
one’s own shortcomings, but ultimately, this thinking, if used as a
crutch, can become adversarial to one’s personal potential to overcome
challenges. If there is a ‘Great Plan of Happiness’ from some
‘Creator’, surely the ultimate goal is for each of us to overcome the
world and our weaknesses and progress above and beyond our natural
My statement does not imply
that being an introvert is of a lower state or somehow a sin,
but that whether we introverts like it or not, true joy in our lives
will only come from the fruits of interaction with others and not just
from within our own imaginations. We are simply not capable
of knowing what is always best for ourselves. Again, we have
our free agency, and we are obligated, if not accountable, to exercise
Over six years ago, after a
decade of essentially allowing no one but my spouse, kids and other
close relatives to enter my world, I took a bold personal challenge to
become an Amateur Radio operator. I can’t tell you how
extremely hard this was, but I knew it was time to ‘come out of my
shell’. I had once heard a talk that was somewhat related to
my ‘law’ and decided to experiment upon it. I set out to get
to know the people of TARS and set out to actually talk on the air,
even if paralyzed by “mic fright.” I even sat in on the
Friday luncheons even though I felt unnoticed and no one really talked
to me. I did all this
purposely to apply this grand experiment to myself for better or worse.
At times I felt as though ‘including’ my presence and making
small-talk would not get me anywhere but to be a recipient of awkward
glances. But I knew the ‘law’ was true, even by the prompting
of the Spirit.
Did it work? Was I
now “included” In some lofty radio social circle? Well… A
year ago, I found myself standing at the pulpit at church facing some
300 patrons. I found myself no longer afraid to speak and I
felt the words coming to my mind, even with a little authority on the
topic, though with proper humility, for the words then were not of my
own – just an introvert. I caught eyes looking at me, not in
leering judgment, but in agreeable affirmation. I’ve found
myself speaking month after month in front of the radio club as an
officer, and even now as editor. I now find myself speaking
on the phone bands and pounding a CW key. Do I have a lot of
friends now? Maybe I do now, but there are many closer ones
that I didn’t have six years ago. I still need to “include”
more, even if with some self-apprehension. How can I apply
this concept to those I ‘Elmer’ unless I apply it to my life first?
I bear testimony, that this
law is true. That you can still call yourself an introvert,
you can still enjoy your more productive ‘alone time’ and no one should
ever judge you against it – but fear of being hurt or rejected should
no longer dictate your course in life or ward off potentially dear
associations. By applying this principal in good spirit,
there will
be rewards, I promise you, even rewards of hidden treasure that your
heart yet cannot conceive!
Now, of course, this
philosophy does not imply or condone the forceful trespassing of
personal space, or to linger where you are not truly wanted.
We should leave common sense and intuition up to that guard.
This 'law' also doesn’t guarantee success – it merely
specifies action, whether for better or worse. I pray that I
have not stepped on too many toes in my time, and I can only ask for
forgiveness. Do not ever allow yourself to believe the
Adversary’s false admonition that; you cannot be loved,
accepted or appreciated. Amidst the sea of persons willing to
shrug you off for one ‘valid’ reason or another, there will be those
precious few that will be bettered by knowing you and will indeed look
back at your companionship as a required blessing.
Amateur Radio is not solely
a technical pursuit, but one of interpersonal and social advancement.
It is not merely an ideal for communication but an active
platform or medium by which relationships are formed and kept.
Enjoy the FCC-granted privileges you hold. Pick up
the microphone and force yourself to talk! Tap “QRL?” on the
key… just get out there and include yourself! You may someday
be glad you did.
73! DE Mike, K4ICY MikeK4ICY@gmail.com
Edited: 01/01/24
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