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.     And other Tiny AVR Microcontroller Varieties

       This page is under construction and updates are made periodically...

    TOPICS COVERED:   [Linked topics are available]

   • ATTiny25/45/85 Pinout

   • Installing an ATTiny "core" in Arduino IDE

   • Setting up a programmer interface for the ATtiny

   • Burn a bootloader and upload sketches using the Arduino as an ISP programmer

   • Building a programming 'shield' for the Uno

   • Programming with a USBasp Programmer

   • Programming with an FTDI USB-to-Serial Adapter

   • Make a USB direct-programmable ATTiny85 (Digispark)

   • Get the ATTiny talking to the Serial Monitor - using only 1 pin

   • Building a Fuse Setter for the ATtiny and its implementation - Get 6 I/O pins from your ATTiny85!

   • Get I2C, SPI, Addressable LED control, OneWire and more on your ATTiny

   • Pitfalls and workarounds - including no UART, the Tiny's ADC noise issue and others

   • Enhancing ATTiny85 Coding with Low-Level Commands and Bitwise Operations for More Space and Speed

   • Power Save - Reducing Current Consumption with ATTiny Sleep Modes

   • Moving over to the newer UPDI tinyAVR devices including breakout board solutions and programming options

   • Useful ATTiny Sketches


       The ATtiny85 is a small 8-pin AVR microcontroller which is the much smaller cousin to the Arduino's ATmega328p.  The 'Tiny' comes with a lesser fraction of the features of the larger more popular 328p but is a perfect solution for the majority of "maker" DIY homebrew projects which may often not require more than 5 or 6 I/O pins due to being smaller and simpler.  The ATtiny85 and others of the ATTiny series are part of a much larger family of "AVR's".  It was released back in 2005, but because of its low price point and maker- friendly 8-pin DIP(DIL) through-hole package, it is still in production by Microchip today.  There are still large quantities available from vendors including Digi-Key despite the chip shortages of the last few years, and is basically the go-to for DIY maker projects.  SMD options in 8-pin SOIC and 20-pad QFN/MLF are also available for more professional prototypes and production turnkey products.  This page will use "ATTiny" and "ATTiny85" interchangeably and most of the examples and features are compatible among different IC types.

       You can read up on an incredible wealth of detail covering the ATtiny family of MCU packages including comparisons, release dates, specs and production profiles at Wikipedia of course:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATtiny_microcontroller_comparison_chart
Features of the ATTiny85 Include:

   • 8-Bit Harvard-like RISC Architecture - 120 Instructions, 32x8 General Purpose Registers
   • 8K Flash Program Flash Memory - 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles
   • 512 Bytes EEPROM - 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles
   • 512 Bytes SRAM
   • 8-bit Timer/Counter with Presacler and 2 PWM Channels
   • 8-bit High Speed Timer/Counter with separate Prescaler, and other features
   • 10-bit ADC (4 single-ended channels, 2 differential pairs)
   • Watchdog Timer
   • Analog Comparator
   • On-chip Debugging (debugWIRE)
   • USI, ISP(ICSP) via SPI port
   • External and Internal Interrupt Sources
   • 16 MHz External Crystal-Controlled Clock (up to 20 MHZ), 8, 4 and 1 MHz Internal Oscillator
   • 6 Programmable I/O lines (Reset is a "weak" I/O line - with fuse resetter)
   • 1.8(V series), 2.7(standard) - 5.5 volt Operation
   •  3 Software Selectable Power Saving Modes for Low Power Consumption
       at 300uA (1 Mhz, 1.8v), Power-Down Mode at 0.1uA at 1.8v.

   Though there are some limitations and lack of certain features to be found in Arduino IDE (using an installed core,)
    many features can be had via software solutions.

    More Here from Microchip



   Pinout for the ATTiny25, ATTiny45 and ATTiny85:


ATTiny85 Pinout

 Source: https://github.com/SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore

.     (Click image for large version)


   Installing an Arduino IDE Boards Manager Core for the ATTiny's

         Here's how to set up the Arduino IDE's Boards Manager to give you options to program your ATTiny
       The Arduino IDE out of the box doesn't come with any support for the popular ATTiny series of AVR, which is odd that is so, but with a few steps you should be up and running in no time with a vast selection of ATTiny IC types and a ton of fine-tuning options to choose from.  There are a couple of cores available on the web if you search hard enough, but the most recognized core is maintained by Spence Konde and you will find a selection of his core, ongoing updates and user comments at his GitHub site:

       https://github.com/SpenceKonde       He's done an amazing job and if you find his core useful for your ATTiny adventures, please consider a contribution.

       Since installing anything within the Arduino IDE can be daunting, I'd like to break this down step by step.  You'll have to forgive me if you get stuck or anything doesn't work, and if so, there are some pretty good communities out there who deal with this stuff.  Arduino version 1.8.13 or new is recommended.

   Step 1:  Installing The Core
       METHOD 1 - Automatic Installation

       The Spence Konde ATTinyCore can be installed automatically to update the Boards Manager.


       a. Go to the menu: File -> Preferences (on a PC), or Arduino -> Preferences (on a Mac), enter the above URL in "Additional Boards Manager URLs".
       b. Go to the menu: Tools -> Boards -> Boards Manager...
       c. Search for, and Select "ATTinyCore by Spence Konde" then click "Install".
       You may get the error message: "Error downloading http://drazzy.com/package_drazzy.com_index.json" when opening the Boards Manager.
       It may be because the author or host site hasn't renewed the certificates, or for some other reason.  It seems to be doing this on some machines but not others.
       If so, you'll have to try the second method.
....Arduino IDE Additional Boards Manager URL
       METHOD 2 - Manual Installation

       It's not that hard to do - you're just downloading and unpacking a ZIP file and putting it in a special Arduino folder.

       a. Download the ZIP file from Spence Konde's GitHub page:  Click on the green   <> Code   button and choose "Download ZIP" from its drop-down menu.
       b. Locate your Arduino IDE Sketchbook folder.  To find this go to the menu: 
File -> Preferences (on a PC), or Arduino -> Preferences (on a Mac),
            and use your File Explorer to navigate to the listed folder under "Sketchbook location:".
       c.  If there is not a folder inside of your Sketchbook folder named "hardware", then create one!  This is where user-created boards would go.
       d.  Inside of your sketchbook/hardware folder, place and unpack the contents of the downloaded ZIP file.
            Make sure that only the main folder named "ATTinyCore-2.0.0" (or whatever version) containing its files is what's sitting there
            inside the hardware folder as sometimes ZIP files nest folders within extra folders.
       e.  Re-launch Arduino IDE and now "ATTinyCore (in sketchbook)" should be a new sub-menu under Tools -> Board:
            I would recommend downloading the ZIP and keeping it handy JUST IN CASE something happens to the GitHub post or the .json link!
            Also, download a couple of the prior release versions if possible to work around any possible compatibility conflicts..

       Alternatively, you can also try the ATTiny core by David A. Mellis.  Here is the Boards Manager URL .json:


       Now you should be ready to set up the programming interface...



   Setting Up a Programming Interface for the ATTiny

         No need to purchase a dedicated (and sometimes expensive) AVR programmer - Here's how to wire up your Arduino as an ATTiny programmer


   Step 2: Prepare the "Programmer" Arduino Uno R3

a. Connect the Arduino Uno R3 (Arduino Nano, or etc.) to your computer via USB..
       b. In Arduino IDE, select "Arduino Uno" (or other board such as the Nano)
             from the menu at: Tools -> Board: -> Arduino AVR Boards ->.
       c. Select the appropriate serial port in the Tools menu.
In Arduino IDE choose "Arduino as ISP" (In-System Programmer) under the Tools -> Programmer: menu.
              [Do NOT choose the "ArduinoISP" option as that is a specific non-related Arduino product]

       e. Open the "ArduinoISP" Example sketch in your IDE and UPLOAD this to your Arduino.
              [Do NOT install the 10u
F capitor to Reset+GND on the Uno yet until the sketch is uploaded!]
You should see the "Heartbeat" LED fading in and out, indicating that the programmer sketch is running. 
....Select Board for Programming
....Arduino as ISP
   Step 3: Connect the ATTiny to the Programmer

   Connect the Arduino Uno R3 (Nano, etc.) to the ATTiny85 IC as follows:
Will also work for ATtiny13, ATtiny24, ATtiny44, ATtiny84, ATtiny25 and ATtiny45.)

           Arduino Uno 5V  to  ATTiny85 VCC [IC pin 8]
           Arduino Uno GND  to  ATTiny85 GND [IC pin 4]
           Arduino Uno 10 (SS)  to  ATTiny85 RESET [IC pin 1]
           Arduino Uno 11 (MOSI)  to  ATTiny85 MOSI [IC pin 5 / PB0, PCINT0, SDA]
           Arduino Uno 12 (MISO)  to  ATTiny85 MISO [IC pin 6 / PB1, PCINT1]
           Arduino Uno 13 (SCK)  to  ATTiny85 SCK [IC pin 7 / PB2, PCINT2, SCL]

           Wire as shown:  (Click image to enlarge)

.....Program ATTiny85 with Arduino Uno R3 - Schematic



   Burning the Bootloader and Uploading a Sketch 

         Once your code is ready, follow these steps to get it on the chip:


    Step 4:  Configure The Core

       Let's walk through some of the options you'll need to set up before you program your ATTiny:
       [This setup describes options for 
Spence Konde's ATTinyCore]

       Find these options under the Tools -> menu...

       Board: "Your chosen board here" -> ATTinyCore ->
          Choose you target ATTiny MCU IC type.  Many AVR ATTiny types are available here including the ATTiny85.
          The tag "(No Bootloader)" indicates that only the sketch will be uploaded with any necessary fuses set also.
          This saves space on the IC!  Unless your ATTiny will be part of a 'dev' board with a USB interface, a bootloader
           is not necessary anyways and you'll get the whole 8k for your sketch!
          The tag "w/Optiboot serial bootloader" indicates that a bootloader will be installed. The Optiboot only uses 512 bytes.
          The tag "Micronucleus" indicates that a bootloader that is designed to provide USB bootloading/uploading capabilities
           for the ATTiny.  Micronucleus takes up 2k of space leaving you with only 6k on your ATTiny and at least 2 pins are used,
           but the trade off is the ability to use an ATTiny85 like a more limited but small type of Arduino Uno.

       Chip: "ATTinyXX" ->
           Here, you will choose the particular chip model out of the small list set selected under Board:
        Clock Source+Speed (Pnly set on bootload): "X MHz (internal)" ->
           Here, you will choose the CPU clock speed and source method of the clock on your ATTiny.
           (Internal) means that the clock will run from the RC (resistor+capacitor) oscillator built inside of the chip.
           You can choose between 1, 2, 4 and 8 MHz, but 1 and 8 are the most commonly used.
           Keep in mind that the internal RC clock, by nature, is generally never accurate and only set within 5-10% tolerance at
           the chip fabricator, and it is also temperature and vibration sensitive.  The internal RC clock will work great for most
           hobby applications not requiring accurate time keeping but will most likely cause issues with serial communications.
           (External) mode works just like the ATmega328p (Arduino) chip as it requires an external crystal or ceramic oscillator
           with any appropriate passive components which will consume space as well as pins 2 and 3 on the ATTiny85.
           Timing will be dead on and any application only needing the 3 remaining pins will justify this setup. Plus, you can
           get CPU speeds of up to 20 MHz.
           (External) clocking only requires one of the xtal input pins and can be derived from another MCU clock or system clock.
           (PLL) gives the ATTiny the ability to run at ~16 MHz using the internal 8 MHz oscillator.
           Keep in mind that any clocking speed outside of 1, 8 or other standard speeds will require special handling in the code
           for any timing-critical applications.

           The higher the clock speed - them more voltage is required (1.8v - 5.5v) to operate the ATTiny!  See the Spec Manual

       millis()/micros(): ->
           If Enabled, you will have the use of the Arduino IDE millis() and micros() functions but it will consume some program flash space.
           If Disabled, you'll have to use a custom bit-banged method of reading the clock time or a library, but you'll initially save a bit of space.

       Built-in Software Serial ("Serial"): ->
           Instead of loading a Software Serial library, the ATTinyCore gives you serial communications: RX on PB1 and TX on PB0.
           Use the standard Serial functions and connect your ATTiny to an FTDI USB-to-Serial adapter. RX to TX and TX to RX.
           You also have the option to only use TX on PB0 only without RX.

       B.O.D. Level (Only set on bootload): ->
            Brown Out Detection is an integral protection scheme on AVR microcontrollers to shut down the chip in an event of
            unintentional low power supply conditions and can be set to thresholds of 1.8v, 2.7v and 4.3v.  A 'brown out' condition on a
            microcontroller may cause Flash/SRAM data corruption, but also could cause issues for whatever the device is controlling.
            For most hobby projects, you may also Disable the B.O.D. which will save some current consumption.

       Save EEPROM (Only set on bootload): ->
            You can choose to Retain or Not Retain EEPROM data upon uploading of a sketch.

....ATTinyCore Board Options


   Step 5: Burn the Bootloader

      You'll need to burn a bootloader FIRST if programming a new blank ATTiny IC, or burn again
      if changing any core settings like the clock speed.  Even if you intend on programming an ATTiny
      without a bootloader, an initial bootloader burn is required to set default fuses not preset at the fab. 

       a. Select "Arduino as ISP" from the Tools -> menu.
       b. Select the appropriate device (ATTiny85) from the Tools menu.
c. Carefully choose any IC-specific settings (See Step 4:), such as the speed, and any other option.
. Choose "Burn Bootloader" from the Tools -> menu.

       You should get confirmation in the status window.

   Step 6: Upload Your Sketch to Target ATTiny Device

       a. Prepare your desired sketch in the Arduino IDE.
       b. Make sure "Arduino as ISP" is selected in the Tools -> menu.
       c. Select the appropriate device (ie: ATTiny85) from the Tools -> menu.
d. Carefully choose any IC-specific settings under tools, such as the speed, fuse options and etc.

       e. Click "Upload Using Programmer" by shift+clicking the (->) button at the top or choosing this option
            under the Sketch menu to program the target ATTiny device with the sketch using the Arduino.

       You should get confirmation in the status window.

       If you're setting up an ATTiny85 chip as in the previous section, try the settings:  ATTiny85, No Bootloader, 1 MHz, No B.O.D.
       Save the EEPROM stuff, and Yes on Software Serial and millis()/miscros().


   An ATTiny ISP Programming Shield for the Arduino Uno

         Instead of wiring up a solderless breadboard project every time you need to program your Tiny, strap this on!


..ATtiny ISP Programming - Arduino Uno Shield

      Shown here is a homebrew ISP Programming Shield prototype for the Arduino Uno.
      This shield will allow for programming of ATtiny 8-pin chips as well as external AVR devices via connector, and when
      detached from the host Uno, this shield becomes a breakout board to try out sketches.

      [I'll be having a PCB version made by JLCPCB (Files Below) and I'll post pics and results here!]

      Included on the board is a place to install an 8-pin DIP socket for an ATtiny chip, breakout female Dupont headers for each
      representative pin, a 6-pin standard ISP (ICSP) header for programming of other devices such as other Arduino boards,
      ATmega328p and etc., 3 status indicator LED's for the "Arduino as ISP" sketch, an external power supply header (5v)
      for running detatched from the Uno (after upload), an LED connected via enable jumper to pin #3 for Blink sketch verification
      and a header for choosing 3.3v and 5v operation.

..ATtiny ISP Programming Shield for Arduino Uno

[Click on the schematic image above to download the .PDF.]
       Here is a preview of the PCB. [Untested as of this post]
       You can download the GERBER file HERE and use a service such as JLCPCB or PCBWay to make them for you for a few bucks a piece.
..ATTiny Programming Shield - Top
..ATtiny Programming Shield - Bottom

       How to use this shield:  Upload the "Arduino as ISP" sketch from the Examples list in your Arduino IDE and attach the shield pins to the correct Arduino header sockets.  Where you see "H3" on the top of the PCB is the pin that aligns into digital I/O pin 7.  The pin on the bottom left of the PCB is aligned with the Arduino Vin pin.  Place your 8-pin ATtiny into the IC socket (mind the pin 1 orientation, etc.) and follow the established procedures for either loading a sketch or a bootloader to device.  [as described in the previous sections...]

       Without an ATtiny IC installed, you can use the 6-pin ISP header on this PCB to connect directly with any other Arduino/AVR device or bare AVR IC
(such as an ATmega328p) on a breadboard via Dupont cables or a dedicated cable.  When operating, the Red LED will slowly fade in and out like a heartbeat to indicate the Arduino as ISP sketch is running.  When Uploading your sketch [Using Programmer], each LED will flash on their established timings to indicate operation and the Blue LED will mainly indicate a successful programming process.  If the Yellow LED flashes primarily or stays lit, then that is an indication of a damaged IC, additional wiring connected to the ATTiny or a bad wiring connection! [Hopefully not in this PCB, but always check your wiring with a multi-meter.]

       After programming, if you've uploaded the "Blink" sketch with ATtiny pin 3 (PB3) set to blink an LED, the White LED (or whatever color you wish) should indicate operation.  You can try reducing the input voltage to the ATtiny by moving the power jumper (on the bottom left) from 5v to 3.3v and is a good way to test variances in timing and such.  DO NOT initiate a programming sequence with the power set to 3.3v as you will be programming with 5 volt data lines on a 3.3v powered device.

       ALSO, another thing to look out for is programming a target device which is already under power.  If it is not running off the same power supply, this can cause a serious problem for the programmer Arduino or target device.

       With a programmed ATtiny, you can remove the shield from the Arduino Uno and connect a 2v - 5.5v power supply up to the supplied external power header pins (upper left of PCB marked "H4", circle pad is GND and square pad is +V,) and run your ATtiny on its own development board!  The female header pins adjacent to the IC are directly linked.

       If there are any errors in the PCB I apologize up front as I have not had any made yet, it's not exactly easy to double check the traces either from the files.  Well, it will be good soldering practice for some of you builders anyway. ;)


       Here are some additional Programming Shield ideas:


      Programming an Attiny+Homemade Arduino Shield  [GreatScott!]



      Making the ATtiny85 Easier to Program  [Ralph S. Bacon #84]





   Programming the ATTiny with a USBasp AVR Programmer

         Quickly load sketches and burn bootloaders to your ATTiny (and many models of AVR microcontrollers) with this small and inexpensive device

       When seriously working with ATTiny85's and any other AVR-type microcontrollers, having a reliable method for programming and bootloader burning is essential. The USBasp programmer is a popular choice for many makers and professionals as it's cheap, simple, versatile and eliminates the need to questionably wire up a sacrificed Arduino. This section will describe the setup and functionality of a USBasp programmer and explain why it's an excellent tool for programming the ATTiny85.

       What is a USBasp Programmer?

       The USBasp is an open-source USB in-system programmer (ISP) for Atmel AVR microcontrollers. [The "asp" in "USBasp" stands for "AVR Serial Programmer."]  Developed by Thomas Fischl, [more at fischl.de] it allows users to program AVR microcontrollers through a USB connection, eliminating the need for a parallel or serial port programmer, and is functional version of the extra microcontroller IC on an Arduino board.  The USBasp is compatible with various (Microchip) AVR microcontrollers, including the ATTiny85, and supports standard programming software like AVRDUDE, making it a good tool for embedded development beyond the Arduino UNO.  The following are some advantages to choosing this programmer:

       Why Use a USBasp Programmer?

       Direct Programming Capability:  The USBasp programmer directly interfaces with the ATTiny85 through its ISP (a.k.a. ICSP In-Circuit Serial Programming) pins.  This allows for easy and reliable uploading of sketches and firmware without the need for an additional bootloader or complex setup.  For users who want to program multiple devices quickly, the USBasp is straightforward.

       Bootloader Burning:  If you need to burn a bootloader onto an ATTiny85, the USBasp can handle this task quickly.  Burning a bootloader is necessary when starting off with a fresh microcontroller chip, preparing one for use in certain projects or when switching between different programming methods (ie.,using an Arduino IDE or direct ISP programming.)  The USBasp programmer simplifies this process, even making it accessible to those who are new to non-Arduino microcontroller programming.

       Compatibility and Support:  The USBasp is widely supported across various operating systems and works seamlessly with AVRDUDE, a powerful command-line tool for programming AVR microcontrollers. This broad compatibility ensures that you can use the USBasp with your preferred development environment, whether you're on Windows, macOS, or Linux, or whether you're using Microchip Studio or Arduino IDE.

       Affordability and Availability:  The USBasp programmers are cheap and plentiful!  Generally made in China, and found online from many vendors hosting on store sites including Amazon, eBay, AliExpress and more, can be found for only $2 to $9 a piece.  They're an affordable solution, making it an attractive option for hobbyists and educators who need to equip their labs with a quick and simple programming tool without breaking the budget.  You may even be able to find them at Micro Center or other local electronics stores, and its certainly possible to build your own.
....USBasp AVR Programmer
       Keep in mind this incredible contrast, that before the USBasp and Arduino, if you wished to program an AVR microcontroller, you would've had to shell out hundreds, if not thousands of U$D just to upload sketches!  Currently, at the high-end, there's the Microchip MPLAB ICE 4 In-Circuit Emulator which will set you back $1,000 - $2,000 for the base model and up to $5,000+ to get all the bells and whistles.  Though, the MPLAB ICE is intended for precises mission-critical microcontroller development by electrical engineers, it includes debugging and simulation, and also works with PIC, dsPIC, and SAM devices as well as AVR, so the price reflects its abilities.

       Firmware Flexibility:  One of the strengths of the USBasp is its Open-Source nature, which allows for firmware updates and modifications.  This means that the programmer can be kept up-to-date with the latest features and improvements, ensuring the possibility of continued compatibility with new microcontrollers and programming requirements.  The caveat to this is that development has been slow the last few years and though, Arduino IDE still has the option to program with the USBasp, they don't provide any drivers* (more on that below.)

       Small Power Supply Source:  The USBasp can power the target microcontroller during programming without the need for an external power supply, which is a particularly useful feature for small, low-power devices like the ATTiny85, simplifying the programming setup and reducing the number of components needed.  You should be able to make a small ATTiny break-out board with an IC socket, an ISP header and a test LED requiring no solderless breadboards, DuPont cables or other power supplies.

       The USBasp programmer is a must-have tool for your Arduino/microcontroller kit (and gives you "street cred" points.)  It's a convenient for working with ATTiny's and its ability to program directly through ICSP and burn bootloaders is just as useful for both beginners and advanced users.  Why, you can even program your Arduino UNO!

       Installing Your USBasp Programmer:

       If you're using a Linux-based system or MacOS then there's no need to find a driver, just plug it in and it should work.  It's a different story for Windows users as you will need to install a driver!  Windows will search for one but will most likely not have any success.  As a base requirement, first, your USBasp should be using ether an ATmega8, ATmega88 or any other compatible mcu chip, and second, you'll be out of luck if you're not using Windows 7 or later as Windows XP, Vista and any previous OS is not supported.  Make sure to watch the provided YouTube videos for deeper tutorials.

       To install the USBasp driver:  Go to  https://zadig.akeo.ie/  and download  zadig-2.9.exe   (2.9 is the latest as of this writing.)

       Zadig is a Windows application that installs generic USB drivers to help you access USB devices.

       Plug in your USBasp programmer into a USB port and then run the Zadig application and select "USBasp" under the Device drop-down list.  You may have to click on the menu: Options and check "List All Devices", then choose USBasp from the drop-down list.  If your USBasp is the only USB device connected without a driver then it may automatically present it at once.
....Use Zadig to Install Driver for USBasp in Windows
       Next to "Driver"  you'll see two field boxes:  [ None (or previously installed driver) ]   =>   [ (Suggested Driver) ]

       The Suggested Driver field (on the right) will give you the option to choose from five or six various drivers.  Many users say that either WinUSB or LibUSB will work, but you may have to install [or Re-Install] each one on the list until you see no conflict issue inside your Windows Device Manager, or you are able to actually program with you USBasp.

       Click the [ Install ]  (or Re-Install..) button to install the driver, and you should now be ready to program your ATTiny85 or other AVR microcontrollers.

       You should also be able to use any USB port as your PC will simply carry over the installed driver.

       For any issues concerning installation, please search for any good advice online or through YouTube.
       And watch the helpful how-to guide "How to Use USBasp Programmer with Arduino Boards" by Zero Amps Electronics:

       Firmware Update Instructions:

       Your USBasp programmer should work straight out of the wrapper on your ATTiny85's and ATmega328p's chips, but since most of these are made in China by sketchy outfits that may not care about selling up-to-date products, your USBasp's firmware will most likely be out of date.  You'll know this right off when pploading a sketch in Arduino IDE and you get several errors from AVRDUDE telling you that, for one, the SCK speed cannot be set correctly, along with other issues.  Updating the USBasp's firmware, or rather, the programming on the ATmega8x, will fix this and is a process we'll describe here.

       FIRST - You're going to need two USBasp programmers!

       I'm glad you read this part first before only ordering one.  They're so inexpensive, you can sometimes find them in 2-packs for $10. [HERE]  You'll be able to update the firmware on one USBasp by using another and then vice-versa.  [You may be able to use an Arduino UNO set as ISP, but at this time I'm unsure of the right settings.]

       Here are the general steps:

    Download the Firmware Update:
        •  Go to:  https://www.fischl.de/usbasp/  and download:  usbasp.2011-05-28.tar.gz
        •  Unpack (twice with .gz and .tar) and get the file:  usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex  which will be inside of several folders.
        •  Place this file in your C:/ root folder for convenience.

    Prepare the USBasp's:
        • Locate "J2" or "JP2" on the USBasp's.  It's a psir of solder via holes generally located next to the voltage selection jumpers.
           Some manufacturers put one there, but if there are no header pins soldered to those holes you should do that yourself.

    Set the Target USBasp to Programming Mode:
        • Bridge the jumper (usually "J2" or "JP2") on the target USBasp that enables "self-programming." This usually connects the RESET pin to ground.

....USBasp Self-Program Jumper

    Connect the Programmers:
        • Plug the first USBasp (the programmer) into your computer's USB port.  You may notice the LED(s) light on the programmer USBasp
           while it is not lit on the target USBasp.
        • Connect the second USBasp (the target) to the first one using the provided ribbon cable to bridge the two respective 10-pin the ICSP headers.

    Prepare the AVRDUDE Command:
        • Go to the Command Prompt and navigate to the directory containing avrdude.exe.
           In Command Promt, use CD (plus the directory) until you get to the folder where avrdude.exe is located.
           Most likely:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\
        • But first, using File Explorer, copy the  avrdude.conf  file over from  C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\ 
           to the adjacent  ...bin\  folder so that avrdude.exe can find it when its command line is executed.
        • You will use AVRDUDE to upload the firmware to the Atmega8 on the USBasp. The basic syntax of the command is as follows:

avrdude -c usbasp -p m8 -U flash:w:c:\usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex:i

       Here's a breakdown of each command line 'switch':
          -c usbasp: Tells AVRDUDE to use the USBasp programmer.
          -p m8: Specifies the target microcontroller, in this case, the Atmega8 on the target USBasp device.
          -U flash:w:c:\usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex:i: Tells AVRDUDE to write the specified firmware to the flash memory of the Atmega8.
          Replace "c:\usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex" with the path and name of you firmware file.

    Run the Command:
        • Type out this command line, or right-click and paste using your mouse and Enter it.
           AVRDUDE will provide output indicating whether the operation was successful or if there were errors.
        • If the process completes successfully, your target USBasp has been updated with the new firmware!
           Your may notice the LED(s) on the target USBasp now light up.

    Remove the Jumper, Switch and Repeat:
        • Once the update is complete, disconnect the USBasp programmer and remove the "self-programming" jumper from the target USBasp.
        • The target USBasp will now become the programmer and the programmer, the target.  Place the jumper on the new target USBasp ("J2" of "JP2").
        • Place the new programmer (old target) into the USB port keeping each USBasp device connected to each other via the programming ribbon cable.
        • Repeat the above steps from running the AVRDUDE command again. [Hint: press F3 to recall the previously entered command line.]


       Access Issues:  If you're on a system that requires administrative privileges to access USB devices,
       you might need to run the command with "sudo" on Linux/macOS:  sudo avrdude -c usbasp -p m8 -U flash:w:usbasp.atmega8.2023-02-28.hex:i

       USB Drivers:  Ensure that the necessary USB drivers are installed (see above,) especially on Windows.
       This might involve installing the particular libusb driver for USBasp.

       Correct Firmware:  Make sure the firmware file is compatible with the Atmega8 microcontroller on your USBasp programmer.

       Good luck!

       And watch the helpful how-to guide "How to Upgrade Firmware in USBasp Programmer" by Zero Amps Electronics:
       Wiring Up Your ATTiny85:

       If using the default 10-pin ICSP programming connector on the USBasp, seat your ATTiny85 in a solderless breadboard
       and use female/male DuPont jumper wires, connecting the following pins from the USBasp
       to the corresponding pins on the ATTiny85 as follows:
   USBasp 10-Pin Connector Pins (ICSP 10):   ATTiny85 Pins:
   MOSI  (Pin 1)   PB0 / MOSI  (Pin 5)
   VCC  (Pin 2)   VCC  (Pin 8)
   GND  (Pins 4, 6, 8 or 10)   GND  (Pin 4)
   RST  (Pin 5)   RESET  (Pin 1)
   SCK  (Pin 7)   PB2 / SCK  (Pin 7)
   MISO  (Pin 9)   PB1 / MISO  (Pin 6)
USBasp to ATTiny85 via 10-Pin Connector
       If using the 10-pin to 6-pin ICSP adapter connected via the provided ribbon cable from the USBasp, seat your ATTiny85 in a solderless breadboard
       and use male/male DuPont jumper wires, connecting the following pins from the USBasp+ISP adapter socket
       to the corresponding pins on the ATTiny85 as follows:
   USBasp 6-Pin Adapter Connector Pins (ICSP 6):   ATTiny85 Pins:
   MISO  (Pin 1)   PB1 / MISO  (Pin 6)
   VCC  (Pin 2)   VCC  (Pin 8)
   SCK  (Pin 3)   PB2 / SCK  (Pin 7)
   MOSI  (Pin 4)   PB0 / MOSI  (Pin 5)
   RST  (Pin 5)
   RESET  (Pin 1)
   GND  (Pins 6)   GND  (Pin 4)
USBasp to ATTiny85 via Ribbon Cable and 10-Pin to 6-Pin ICSP Adapter.

       Study these setup diagrams and carefully note markings on each device for correct orientation!

       NOTE:  Make sure the ATTiny85 IC is properly seated in its socket or on the breadboard with CORRECT orientation - Pin 1 is always on the upper-left of the IC when looking down and often has a circle or divot next to it.  There's also always a half-circle notch in the side denoting where Pin 1 will be to the left of it.  Make very sure the orientation and pin locations of the programming sockets are correct as rotating them 180 degress may send VCC into Pin 7 of the Tiny, and so forth.  Double-check all connections before powering the circuit to avoid potential damage to the microcontroller or programmer!  The USBasp does often have 500mw fuse, but shorting VCC to GND accidentally can harm the PC's USB port.
 The connections are the same for both 10-pin and 6-pin configurations, but the arrangement is different due to the layout of the pins on the connectors.

       BEFORE connecting your programmer to a USB port, make sure you set the proper voltage for your connected AVR microcontroller IC!  Note the jumper setting on your USBasp for providing either 5v or 3.3v.  An ATTiny85 can be programmed and run in a range between 2.7v and 5.2v, but other specific AVR IC's may run at 3.3v max.


       Programming your ATTiny with a USBasp should be a bit easier without the need to setup an Arduino UNO.

          Step 1:   Set up your Board core.  Set any necessary sub-settings such as speed, EEPROM options and etc..

                          For more on how to install a board core, review above.
                          For more on how to set the ATTiny85 programming/fuse settings, review above.
.....Set up your target microcontroller (board core)
          Step 2:   Set the Programmer: "USBasp"

                          No need to set the Port as one in not assigned for a dedicated programmer.
.....Set the programmer as USBasp
          Step 3:   Burn the Bootloader.

                          If you're programming a fresh ATTiny85 chip, you'll need to Burn a Bootloader even if plan on uploading a sketch without a bootloader
                          as certain 'fuses', or memory bits, needs to be set on the initial setup of the chip.
.....Burn the bootloader to an ATTiny85 with a USBasp
          Step 4:   Upload Sketch to an ATTiny85 Using the USBasp Programmer.

                          If uploading fails due to an error such as "device not available on COM...",
                          either try again or try the USBasp programmer on a different USB port.
.....Upload a sketch to an ATTiny85 using a USBasp programmer
.        NOTE:  If your ATTiny85 or AVR device has been setup by the Board Core to run at a CPU speed of less than 150 kHz,
                        You may need to install a jumper on the "J3" or "JP3" header which will tell the programmer to upload at a slower speed.
                        If you get a "-1" ERROR from ARVDUDE when attempting to burn a bootloader, try again wtih JP3 jumped.
.....USBasp Program Speed Jumper - JP3
          Your ATTiny85 should now be programmed!  
       Brew Your Own:

       I'll be posting more here soon on how you can build your own USBasp for fun, or at least to augment its features.
       You can study this schematic - but please visit  https://www.fischl.de/usbasp/  for more information along with firmware resources.


....USBasp Circuit




   Programming the ATTiny with an FTDI USB-to-Serial Interface

         Load sketches to your ATTiny without the need for a dedicated programmer or an Arduino Uno - and get serial connectivity too


       Uploading sketches using an FTDI USB-to-Serial interface can make working with the ATTiny85 a streamlined and efficient process. This method eliminates the need for a dedicated Arduino Uno or pricey Microchip programmer.  Programming may even be possible with the ATTiny85 installed in its target circuit making it a convenient solution for ongoing development.  The FTDI even allows for serial communication and debugging.  I'll try to guide you here through the process, looking at the advantages, the setup process and potential pitfalls.

       The heart of this method is use of the Snapduino bootloader by Daniel Porrey which is a slightly limited feature version of the Optiboot bootloader with an added program called Tiny Tuner which is then removed after clock calibration leaving most of the 8k of programming space to play with.

       To find out more about this method before you dive in please check these out:

       https://www.hackster.io/porrey/snapduino-e5f0a5   Snapduino is a fun little educational project for young learners.

       https://github.com/porrey/Snapduino/releases/tag/v1.0.2   Here's the GitHub site, but you'll have to load the Boards Manager URL .jason.

       And watch the definitive how-to guide "Program ATtiny85 directly via USB" by Mr.T's Design Graveyard:
       Programming ATTiny85's with an FTDI using the Snapduino bootloader offers several benefits as you can guess:

       Efficiency - Once the bootloader is installed and the ATTiny's internal clock is calibrated, further programming can be done directly via the FTDI interface, saving time and effort.
       Resource Management - Frees up your Arduino Uno or Nano for other projects after the initial bootloader burn setup, and your wallet will also feel free as well without the need for a dedicated programmer and having to buy more Arduinos.  FTDI's are dirt cheap.
       Convenience - You should be able to plug in FTDI interface within whatever project your ATTiny85 has been employed (provided certain wiring or jumper provisions,) and sketch updating and uploading becomes pretty much straightforward.


       On the hardware side you will need:

       • Your ATTiny85 microcontroller - can be a blank new chip.
       • Arduino Uno - initially set up as an ISP programmer.  [SEE ABOVE SETUP GUIDE]
       • FTDI USB-to-Serial interface - You can buy them here: [Amazon Link 1]  [Amazon Link 2]  or search Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, Digi-Key and others.
           You can get them from $2-$12 depending on from where and if they use the generic FT232RL chip then an additional PC driver may be required.
       • A solderless breadboard, DuPont jumper wires
• A 100nf capacitor (ceramic type, for reset line,) a 10k ohm resistor (for the reset line) and a 330 ohm resistor

       On the software side you will need the Arduino IDE of course and access to the Boards Manager Snapduino core - see link below.

       Step-by-Step Guide:

       Step 1 - Prepare the Arduino Uno ISP Programmer

       • Prepare the Arduino Uno as ISP Programmer
       • Connect the Arduino Uno to your computer.
       • Open the Arduino IDE and load the "ArduinoISP" sketch from File -> Examples -> 11.ArduinoISP -> ArduinoISP
       • Upload the "ArduinoISP" sketch to your Arduino Uno.
       • Now install the 10uF capacitor (as described above.)

       Step 2 - Install the Snapduino Bootloader

       • Open Arduino IDE and go to File -> Preferences
       • In the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" field, add the following URL:


       • Go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager..., search for "Snapduino," (by Daniel M. Porrey version 1.0.2) and install it.

       Step 3 - Burn the Bootloader onto the ATTiny85

       • Wire the ATTiny85 to the Arduino Uno according to the ISP Programming instructions above.
       • Select the Snapduino bootloader under Tools -> Board -> Snap Circuits -> Snapduino.
       • Tell Arduino IDE to use the Arduino Uno as the programmer: Tools -> Programmer -> Arduino as ISP.
       • Select Tools -> Burn Bootloader to burn the Snapduino bootloader onto the ATTiny85.

       Step 4 - Setup the FTDI USB-to-Serial Interface with the ATTiny85

       • On a solderless breadboard, place the ATTiny85 and connect the FTDI USB-to-Serial interface to the ATTiny85 following the schematic below...
           The schematic has been updated from the one shown in Mr. T's video as the ATTiny85's Reset pin requires a 10k ohm pull-up directly at the pin.
           The capacitor's purpose is to allow only a short ground-going logic low pulse which is compared against the logic hi from the resistor.
           Make sure that
RX, TX, VCC, GND and DTR are connected correctly as various brands may assign their pins differently than the schematic shows.
           The LED and associated 330 ohm resistor (on pin 7, digital pin 2) is set up for convenience when using the Blink sketch to test.

       • Connect the FTDI interface to the computer's USB port. An additional driver may be required for the computer to recognize the interface which
           is out of the scope of this article.  Please search YouTube for FTDI troubleshooting.
• As removing the Arduino Uno from the computer may have reset things in the IDE, you may need to re-select the board:
           If so,
select the Snapduino bootloader under Tools -> Board -> Snap Circuits -> Snapduino.

           (click image to enlarge)
....Program ATTiny85 with FTDI USB-to-Serial Interface
       Step 5 - Calibrate the Internal Oscillator with built-in TinyTuner

       • After wiring up the ATTiny85 to the FTDI, open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE.
       • Set the baud rate to 6900.
       • Plug in the USB cable from the FTDI to the computer's USB port. A dialog from the TinyTuner program should load up on the Serial Monitor.
           If not, check the baud rate, check your computer's Hardware Configuration for the presence of the FTDI device, and possibly try restarting Arduino IDE.

       • At the Serial Monitor prompt, enter the lowercase letter "x" as stated in the dialog text. Do this repeatedly until the dialog tells you that calibration
           has ended successfully.  You may have to enter "x" at least a dozen times.  This procedur is only required once and TinyTuner will then be removed.
       • Once completed, TinyTuner will calibrate the ATTiny's internal 8 MHz oscillator by storing a calibration factor into the OSCCAL register at the time of
           bootloader startup.  Normally, the fabrication factory (Microchip) will preset the oscillator within 5% to 10% of the intended 8 MHz, which is too much
           out of tolerance for Serial communications.  This is one reason why a UART/USART was not included in this package.  If your ATTiny85 is this much
           off the mark you won't be able to program it with an FTDI.  TinyTuner's adjustment at the OSCCAL register with get this within 1% to 5%.
           TinyTuner will then delete its programming and the bootloader will be reduced to under 400k which will leave you with ~7616 bytes to program with.
...TinyTuner Calibration on the ATTiny85 Internal Oscillator
       (My example above shows a calibration with TinyTuner, the boxes are supposed to be tolerance indication letters, but there's something off in my setup.)

       Step 6 - Programming

       • Ready you sketch with any consideration afforded the ATTiny85 using the Optiboot bootloader.
       • Ensure that the Snapduino bootloader under Tools -> Board -> Snap Circuits -> Snapduino is setup as the active Board as
           this core is required when compiling and uploading sketches to any ATTiny85 using the Snapduino bootloader!

       • Ensure `AVR ISP` is selected under Tools -> Programmer.
       • Program your ATTiny85 using Upload (Sketch -> Upload) as you have with the Arduino Uno.
You can now upload sketches directly to the ATTiny85 using the FTDI interface!
       Potential Pitfalls and Issues:

       1. Calibration Sensitivity - The internal oscillator of the ATTiny85 can (and often always will) be inaccurate. Since the oscillator is comprised of
             a resistor/capacitor topology, it will be sensitive to IC body temperature and even vibration.  Proper calibration using the included TinyTuner
             is crucial for reliable serial communication and programming!
       2. Board Manager Core Selection - This setup only uses the Snapduino core and must also be selected in the Arduino IDE when uploading sketches.
            Attempting to use a different Board setting will result in failed uploads.  With any cause for reliance on a 'cloud' feature, there's no guarantee
            that the Snapduino core will be around for ever, much less ever able to download.
       3. The ATTiny using this setup can only run at 8 MHz internal, 16 Mhz if using pins 2 and 3 to host a crystal.
       4. Baud Rate Matching - Ensure that the baud rate in the Serial Monitor is set to 6900 for the Tiny Tuner calibration process and any subsequent uploads.
       5. Connection Stability - Double-check all connections between the FTDI interface and the ATTiny85.
            Loose connections can cause upload failures or communication issues.
       6. Serial.print is not available with this core as it is with the aforementioned ATTinyCore (above) so you must use SoftwareSerial with the required library.
             With SoftwareSerial, you will then be able to send serial data directly through the FTDI interface, though SoftwareSerial will consume 2k of program memory!
       And finally, it is true that the DigiSpark direct-to-USB ATTiny85 method is a bit more convenient than this method, not requiring an FTDI interface, but first, its bootloader consumes 2k of the 8k given, which makes it a very limited device, and second, the FTDI method allows you to remove the ATTiny85 chip from the FTDI.  Wiring to an FTDI can be made on any project, perhaps using a few removable jumpers to allow for programming on the fly.  I present this as an exercise in using this tiny and humble marvel.



   Make a USB Direct-Programmable ATTiny85 (The Digispark)

         Make your own Digispark clone - Use like an Arduino or as an HID interface, and no programmer required for uploading sketches!


       This section will show you how to make a Digispark which is a small ATTiny85 development board that can be directly connected to a USB
       port just like the Arduino Uno, Nano and etc., and speak on the pros and cons of this device, one pro being the ability to send commands to
       a PC as an HID device just as a keyboard or mouse.  You'll also get the links for the drivers and resource files and we'll go step-by-step to
       go from zero to tinkering in no time flat.


.A Hombrew Digispark on Proto-Board

       What is a Digispark?

       The Digispark is a compact and versatile development board based on the ATTiny85, originally developed by Digistump.  Designed as a low-cost, easy-to-use alternative to more complex Arduino boards, it features a built-in USB plug on its PCB and offers a straightforward platform for makers who want to create simple interactive projects, experiment with microcontroller programming, or embed a controller into a larger project.  The Digispark, with its low power consumption and sufficient processing capabilities, provides an accessible entry point into the world of embedded electronics for around a buck a piece.  Despite the closure of the original Digistump resource site, the Digispark continues to thrive through community support and easy-to-build or easy-to-buy clone versions, making it a neat and compact tool for microcontroller enthusiasts that can be permanently wired directly into projects once programmed.
       The Digispark board includes the following key components:

          •  ATTiny85 Microcontroller:  The heart of the Digispark, featuring ~6.5kB of flash memory (of the ATTiny85's original 8 kB, considering bootloader),
                512 bytes of SRAM, and 512 bytes of EEPROM of user data storage (even after power-off or reboot).
          •  Micronucleus Bootloader:  This USB bootloader enables the board to be programmed directly via USB without the need for an external programmer.
                It handles uploading sketches to the ATTiny85.
          •  USB Connector:  The board connects directly to a computer via USB, allowing for both a power supply source and communication for programming.
          •  I/O Pins:  The Digispark features 6 general-purpose I/O pins, which can be used for digital input/output, analog input, PWM output, and more,
                just like a tiny version of the Arduino UNO, providing the ability to connect sensors, LEDs, motor controllers, OLED displays and other components.


       How Does the Digispark Function?

       The Digispark functions similarly to other Arduino-compatible boards, but with a few notable differences due to its compact size
       and the specific capabilities and limitations of the ATTiny85 microcontroller.


          •  The Digispark is programmed using the Arduino IDE, which makes it accessible even for beginners.
              To upload a sketch, the board is connected to a computer via USB after a prompt is given by the information window on the bottom of the Arduino IDE,
              and the Arduino IDE is pre-configured to use the particular Digispark board and ATTiny85 settings.
          •  The Micronucleus bootloader, pre-installed on the ATTiny85, allows the board to be recognized by the computer (with special driver installed)
              and facilitates the uploading process.  Unlike other boards, the Digispark does not have a dedicated reset button; instead, it enters
              programming mode automatically when connected.

       Power Supply:

          •  The Digispark can be powered directly from the USB port or through an external power source connected to its power pins.
              The ATTiny85 IC intself operates at 2.5V to 5V, but depending on the configuration, either a direct connection of 2.5V to 5V or a connection through
              the Digispark's onboard 5V voltage regulator will allow for an external source between 6V and 12V such as a 9V battery.


          •  The Digispark’s 6 I/O pins are versatile and can be used for various functions such as reading sensor data, controlling LEDs, or interfacing with other devices.
              Some pins have specific functionalities like analog input (via ADC) or PWM output, which can be helpful for more complex projects.
          •  Despite its small size, the Digispark (with the use of Digispark libraries) supports I2C and SPI communication,
              allowing it to interface with a wide range of peripherals.

       Limitations and Considerations:

          •  Due to its small size and the limited number of I/O pins, the Digispark is best suited for simpler projects or as a part of a larger system.
              Its memory and processing capabilities are also more constrained compared to larger boards like the Arduino Uno.
Please note that ATTiny85's pins 2 and 3 are used for communications when connected to USB, pin 6 is connected to an LED
              and pin 1 is a "soft I/O" plus external Reset unless certain measures are implemented.
              Once removed from the USB connection all I/O pins are available for the sketch.

          •  The use of the ATTiny85 microcontroller means that the Digispark may not support all Arduino libraries out of the box,
              so users may need to find or adapt libraries specifically for the ATTiny series.  Any project designed for an ATTiny85 using less than 6.5kB
              should also be usable on a Digispark.


       A Bit on the Micronucleus Bootloader

Micronucleus bootloader [not to be confused with mononucleosis] is a lightweight USB communications specific bootloader designed specifically for the ATTiny85 and similar microcontrollers.  Here's a quick breakdown of how it communicates with the PC's USB interface:

       Micronucleus Bootloader and USB Communication

       USB Low-Speed Emulation:

          •  The ATTiny85 does not have native USB hardware, so the Micronucleus bootloader emulates a USB low-speed device entirely in software.
              This is done by bit-banging the USB protocol using the microcontroller's I/O pins.
              The D+ and D- lines of the USB port are directly connected to two of the ATTiny85's pins and additional components including
               two 3.6V Zener diodes and a 1.5k ohm pull-up resistor on the D- line ensure proper electrical operational conditions through the USB port.

       Timing Accuracy and OSCAL Register:

          •  USB communication requires precise timing to function correctly, which is a challenge because the ATTiny85 relies on an internal oscillator
              that can have significant deviation (typically ą10%).  To achieve the necessary timing accuracy, the Micronucleus bootloader utilizes
              the ATTiny85's OSCAL (Oscillator Calibration) register.
          •  The OSCAL register allows for fine-tuning of the internal oscillator's actual frequency - no wait states or timer/ISR tricks involved.
              During the bootloader's initialization, with poling between the USB driver and the bootloader, the bootloader can adjust the oscillator's
              frequency by setting the OSCAL register to a value that brings the timing within the range required for USB communication.
          •  The calibration process ensures that the ATTiny85 can meet the timing constraints of the USB protocol, but this only applies
              during the brief period when the bootloader is active as well a during instances when library-based protocols are used to send HID
              instructions or serial communications, such as when acting as a keyboard, mouse or joystick or sending serial data.

       Communication Process:

          •  When the Digispark is plugged into a USB port, the Micronucleus bootloader takes control and begins communicating with the PC.
          •  The PC recognizes the device as a USB low-speed device and initiates the standard USB enumeration process.
          •  The bootloader listens for commands from the PC, typically to upload new firmware and once the communication is complete
              or after a timeout, the bootloader hands over control to the uploaded firmware or the existing ATTiny85's application code.

       USB Driver on the PC:

          •  A custom USB driver is required on the PC to recognize and communicate with the Micronucleus bootloader.
              This driver translates the USB protocol into a format that can be handled by the bootloader and vice versa.
       STEP 1:  Let's Make A Homebrew Digispark!

       Digispark boards can be found at many sites for really cheap - why make your own?

       Building your own Digispark clone offers more than just a DIY challenge, it can be an educational experience that deepens your understanding of microcontrollers and electronics, especially that of an alternative to the Arduino Uno.  By crafting your own Digispark yourself, even with a bare 8-DIP ATTiny85 IC, you can gain insight into how each component interacts, even with your PC's USB port, making it easier to troubleshoot and modify your projects.  This Digispark clone project allows for customization, whether you need a specific pin layout, want to add unique features, or simply aim to integrate the board seamlessly into a larger projects.  Moreover, building your own can be rewarding and cost-effective, especially when you need multiple units or wish to experiment with different configurations - yours doesn't even need to leave the solderless breadboard. The Digispark's ease of programming and tiny size will inspire you to invent more projects, increasing your technical skills and providing a more personalized tool tailored to your specific needs.

       You may find setting up your Digispark to be a little daunting, and you may certainly run into a snag or two.  Hopefully, I've given enough here to get most of you up and running.  Luckily, the Digispark and ATTiny85 has a pretty large following, with many online resources and YouTube videos to help.  From here on, we'll establish the circuit, prep the ATTiny85 and your PC, then install the necessary resources, and finally, we'll get this ATTiny platform up and running.

       Here's the schematic:
.Digispark Schematic, ATTiny85 - Build Your Own Clone Version
       There are a few key components required for USB enumeration and operation, namely, a USB connection, the protection diodes (3), a pull-up resistor on the D- line, two current-limiter resistors on the D- and D+ line and an ATTiny85 microcontroller IC.  The rest of the components are optional.

       The ATTiny85 [U2] can be either a surface mount package or an 8-pin DIP.  If using the through-hole 8-pin DIP package, it's suggested to use an IC socket for convenience.  Other ATTiny models can be used provided the Micronucleus bootloader is compatible and there's enough SRAM space leftover for adequate operation of any desired sketch.  The ATTiny85 must be programmed initially with the Micronucleus bootloader prior to installation in the circuit, and that can be done with an Arduino-as-ISP programmer, a USBasp programmer or any other device capable of burning bootloaders to AVR MCU's.  Header's [J5 and J6] can be male header pins, female DuPont cable pins or solder points to gain easy access to the I/O pins of the ATTiny85 after programming with the Digispark.

       The USB interface can connect to your computer with whatever you have on hand.  The Digistump Digispark version has a set of USB / A contacts built into the the PCB.  If you choose to do so through JLCPCB or PCBway, make sure you specify a PCB substrate thickness of approximately 1.6 mm (0.063 inches).  This thickness matches the standard dimensions for a USB Type-A male connector, ensuring a snug and secure fit into a USB port.  Additionally, the edges of the PCB must be carefully designed and plated with gold or another conductive material to create the necessary contacts as the standard tinning will wear out quick.  The width of the PCB should be around 12 mm (0.472 inches) to fit properly within the USB port.

       The easiest way to connect is to sacrifice a USB cable.  Make sure it has the four required conductors to carry data as well as power.  Cut, strip and tin each lead to wire them to your proto-board, or pair them with a 4-pin header set or DuPont jumper pins for easy connection to a solderless breadboard.  Another convenient method for USB connection, as shown in my example, is to purchase a set of USB-Mini female socket breakout boards which can be soldered to header pins and allows for the convenient use of a standard USB-Mini phone charger cable and wall brick to power your Digispark clone when apart of your PC's USB port.

       Two 3.6 Volt-rated Zener diodes [D2 and D3] must be connected each to data lines D- and D+ and offers overvoltage and voltage spike protection for your PC's USB port.  [R2 and R3], each 68 ohm resistors serve to resist current surges.  Other protection measures can be used including a dedicated USB interface buffer IC, but it is suggested to always plug any home made USB device through a USB hub just in case something like an unexpected short is present.  [R1] is a 1.5k ohm pull-up resistor, signifying an enumeration ready-state for the USB port, but is primarily intended for open-collector logic connections.  [J2 and J3] are optional jumpers.  They must be closed to allow for uploading to the ATTiny85, but will allow you to use the ATTiny's pins 2 and 3 for you project, avoiding contention from the pull-up resistor or Zener diodes.

       [D1] is a Schottky diode which serves to protect power backflow into the USB port.  A Schottky diode should be used over a standard rectifier diode as the voltage drop is far less than the latter.  Optionally, you may install the voltage regulator circuit which will provide a steady 5 volts when powered from an external 6V to 12V source.  [J1] can be a convenient header terminal for that source or a 3V to 5V source such as from a coin cell or power supplied by a larger project circuit for which the Digispark clone will be integrated with.  The 5V regulator consists of a small LM78L05 which is the same package as a standard TO-92 package transistor, two filter capacitors and a power indicator LED with its current limiting resistor.  These through-hole versions are getting harder to find, but there are countless LDO surface mount versions with much better characteristics.  Keep in mind that this part has a 100 mA max rating.  The regulator circuit can be omitted if you're planning on running just off of the USB port or within another project.

       [LED2 and R5] serves as the standard Digispark Blink Test LED on Arduino (ATTiny) pin 1 (PB1, IC pin #5) that can be turned on or off within your sketch using the pin descriptor "LED_BUILTIN".  This can be disconnected from your ATTiny85 by removing a jumper from [J4].  [J5 and J6], as mentioned earlier, can be any method of allowing access to each pin of the ATTiny85, including the VCC and GND lines.

       Here's the list of parts with ordering links:

       D1  -  1N5817 Schottky Diode, 20V, 1A   [DigiKey Link]
       D2, D3  -  BZX55C Zener Diode, 3.6V, 500mW   [DigiKey Link]
       U1  -  L78L05CZ (LM7805 eq.) Linear Regulator, TO-92, 5V 100mA   [DigiKey Link]
       U2  -  ATTiny85 (Microchip Technologies) 8-Pin AVR, 8K Flash   [DigiKey Link]
       IC Socket, 8-Pin   [DigiKey Link]
       USB-Mini Female Socket Breakout PCB Modules   [Amazon Link]
       USB/A Male Plug Breakout PCB Modules   [Amazon Link]
       2.54mm Single Row PCB Female DuPont-Type Header Socket Connector Strips   [Amazon Link]

       All other passive components including resistors, capacitors, LED's and header pins can be found from Amazon, eBay, AliExpress and others
       in bulk package kits for nominal prices, whereas searching for single-piece items on DigiKey will prove to be more expensive.

       Resistor Assortment, 1/4W (Including 68 ohm)   [Amazon Link]
       LED Assortment, 5mm, 5-color   [Amazon Link]
       Ceramic Capacitor Assortment (100nF and less)   [Amazon Link]
       Electrolytic Capacitor Assortment  (0.1uF and more)   [Amazon Link]

       Let's setup a solderless breadboard prototype:

       Setting up a circuit on a solderless breadboard is a great way to work out the kinks, testing the components, PC drivers and Arduino IDE cores.

.Digispark Clone - Basic Layout Built on a Solderless Breadboard
       The setup above follows the provided schematic minus the voltage regular circuit.  The red parts connected to the USB data lines are the Zener diodes and the black one is the Schottky diode.  The stripe represents the cathode (line part of the schematic symbol).  There seems to be a little confusion with a few schematics found online with the Schottky diode, whose job it is to keep any voltage presented on the circuit from flowing back into the PC's USB port.  Some have it backwards, but the arrow of the symbol represents the preferred 'voltage' flow (to ground).  The Zener diodes appears to be reversed in the circuit schematic because it's designed to conduct in reverse bias when the voltage exceeds its breakdown voltage, allowing it to regulate (or clamp voltage) in applications like voltage regulation and overvoltage protection.  The cathodes are connected to the Data lines.

       Please note the 8-pin DuPont header socket at the top.  Yes, in this example it's redundant to put one of those on a plug-in prototype breadboard, but it will give you a sense of functionality when you solder it to a permanent protoboard.  One you've uploaded a great sketch, you can re-wire this board to suit your project.  In fact, most Digispark boards use a serface mount version of the ATTiny85, which makes for a very small add-on microcontroller when you need one in a larger circuit, but if you build a Digispark close that uses a socketed 8-pin DIP package, you can remove the ATTiny85 and use that in your circuits.  Take a look at my build below...
.Digispark Clone on a Solderless Breadboard
       I used a Micro USB breakout board to allow for tinkering on a nearby table while accessing the PC's USB port.  Once a sketch is uploaded and additional sensors or a display is added, the same USB board can be used to get power from a phone charger.
       Moving to a Soldered Prototype Board:

       [I'll add an example soldering map here soon]

       Taking your circuit to the next step which lies between a solderless socket board and a professionally manufactured PCB can be an adventure.  Soldering real part together in a form compact enough to be used practically is as much of an art as it is a skill exercise.  Some folks just place their parts down wherever, connecting each lead with insulated jumper wires while others consider dimensions, lead proximity  as well as aesthetics, either way, whether you use the blessing of real estate granted with large prototype boards or nest everything together like a clock  maker into the smallest of boards, this is really up to the builder and as long as the product works as intended in the end, that's all that matters.

       As far as my Digispark prototype, I used a USB-Micro breakout board which wast mated to my protoboard via header pins.  I mounted it upside down which sandwiched the actual connector between the boards giving it resiliency.  I also placed separate DuPont female sockets adjacent to the pins of the ATTiny85, which is also socketed.  This gives the user a logical bearing on which pins are where.  The USB Data line are jumpered before the ATTiny85 as to allow for circuit separation when those pins are needed in non-USB operation, and a jumper was added to take the 'blinky' LED out of circuit so that Pin 1 could be used for other tasks.  By happenstance, there was a bit of unused space left over on the protoboard and I decided to not remove it as this would be convenient for adding any interesting circuits or at the least, I could add a voltage regulator.

       A few construction tips to note:  1) Save the leads clipped from components as they can be used to bridge longer distance between solder pads.  2) Skillful solder 'blobbing' can be used to jumps between adjacent holes.  3) Carefully just the parts themselves as 'jumpers' to cross paths rather than adding unsightly jumper wires.  3) Consider buying single-sided solder padded prototype breadboards if possible as the double-sided kind tends to yield more accidental shorts.  4) And finally, plan out your parts and soldering layout solution on graph paper first, pre-placing your parts first to gauge their best fit.  And consider where you may also have trouble soldering once other parts are in place.
       A custom manufactured PCB:

       You can have professionally manufactured printed circuit boards for this 8-Pin DIP version of the Digispark clone for only $2-$5 a piece,
       shipped to you within 1-2 weeks by JLCPCB or PCBway!  NO surface mount parts, only good ol' fashioned through-hole ones.   Just provide your own sourced parts.

.Digispark Clone PCB Schematic ATTiny85
       Just provide them with the Gerber format .ZIP file provided here:  Gerber_K4ICY_Digispark-Clone-8-Pin-DIP_PCB_2024-08-30.zip

       [As of this update, I have not yet ordered and tested this design, but will post pics when I do...]

       PLEASE NOTE:  When ordering the PCB - The BOARD THICKNESS specification must be 1.6 mm (0.063 inches)
       so that the USB pad will properly fit and make clean contact with a standard USB/A port.

       Also remember:  J4 must be jumperred for the BUILT_IN LED (Blinky) to be in-circuit.  J2 and J3 must be jumperred anytime programming or HID transmitting is occuring.
                                     Remove those if you wish to use those pins for other stuff.  DO NOT jumper J1 or you will short your supply.
                                     Apply 5.5v+ or less to that part of J1 marked as "<5v+" (and the adjacent ground for -) once disconnected from USB, anything between 7v and the max tolerance of your
                                     voltage regulator will be applied to the pin marked as ">7v+".
                                     The ATTiny85 can be removed from its socket after programming and used as you wish in a stand-alone circuit.

       Here's the schematic: (Just click the sample image for a scalable vector schematic.)
.Digispark Clone Schematic
.Digispark Clone PCB

       STEP 2:  Burn The Micronucleus Bootloader to an ATTiny85
       Mount the ATTiny85 in the programmer:

       Before mounting the ATTiny85 into the Digispark circuit, you'll need to set it up in your choice of AVR programmer such as a USBasp or Arduino as ISP
       to burn in the special
Micronucleus bootloader required to get the ATTiny85 interfacing your IDE directly  through USB.
       Please follow the steps according to the instructions in the above section on setting up the programming interface using your Arduino.

.Upload a Bootloader to an ATTiny85 with an Arduino Uno
       Setup chip parameters and burn the Micronucleus Bootloader:

       To get the most control of your Digispark ATTiny85, it is suggested to use the Spece Konde ATTinyCore board core [Instructions Above].

       The Spence Konde ATTinyCore can be installed automatically to update the Arduino IDE Boards Manager by adding:

http://drazzy.com/package_drazzy.com_index.json   inside the Additional Boards Manager URL list.

       Then go to the Boards Manager inside of the Tools menu.  If the URL doesn't work, you'll have to install ATTinyCore [as per the instructions above],
       however, I have found that loading the Micronucleus bootloader may fail in the manual core setup due to some naming convention error (I haven't figured this out yet.)

       Once added, go to Tools and choose "ATTiny85 Micronucleus / Digispark" under Tool => Boards => ATTinyCore =>
.Choose the ATTiny85 Micronucleus (bootloader) for Digispark under Boards
       Now, we'll go through some of the chip-specific settings:

       This setting deals with the CPU Clock set for the running uploaded sketch.  When burning the bootloader for the first time to a fresh ATTiny85,
       Choose "16.5 MHz, tuned off USB (USB)".  The Micronucleus bootloader will tune the OSCAL register to match the 16.5 MHz communication speed
       of the USB port and will then save that registry value for future internal oscillator calibration when uploading and running other sketches.
.Choose the Clock Speed for the Digispark
       Leave the Timer 1 Clock set to "CPU (CPU frequency)".
.Setting the Timer 1 Clock CPU Frequency
        Leave the LTO "Enabled".
.LTO Enabled
       Choose to be "Enabled" if you'd like to use the millis() and micros() calls in your sketch.  If you plan to use an AVR library that includes and alternate then disable this option.
       Also disable if you don't plan on calling the time within your sketch as you can save some program flash memory.
.Millis(), Micros() Option
       Under "Burn Bootloader Method:" you have two options.  When you are FIRST loading the Micronucleus bootloader to a fresh ATTiny85 chip,
       you must choose "Fresh Install (via ISP)" which is the base bootloader package.  AFTER you have installed your Digispark including the ATTiny85,
       you can then freshen up your Micronucleus bootloader through the Digispark's USB port without removing the chip or using a programmer
       by choosing the "Upgrade (via USB)" option as the original bootloader will negotiate the clock calibration and auto-programming protocol.
.Method to Burn The Bootloader to the Digispark ATTiny85
       The Reset option for the ATTiny85's Pin 1 can be set here, but only on burning the bootloader via ISP.  When left as the default "Reset", pin 1 will work as the
       typical Reset option (connect temporarily to GND) along with being a "soft I/O" pin, able to detect HIGH on digital read, as well as with a truncated analog read capability.
       However, you can choose to (semi-)permanently designate pin 1 as a regular I/O pin, giving you 6 total I/O pins, and resetting can only occur during the sketch
       uploading procedure via USB by means of the bootloader.  WARNING:
Once the "GPIO" option (no reset on pin 1) is set when burning the bootloader via ISP,
       the ONLY way to change pin 1's functionality back to being a Reset pin is to do so with a High Voltage Resetter - Schematic and Sketch for this device
       are in the "Fuse Setter" section below.

.Digispark Reset Pin Option
       B.O.D., or "Brown Out Detection" will reset or shut off your ATTiny85 in the even the supply voltage (VCC) goes below a certain threshold.  Undervoltage can cause
       Flash or EEPROM corruption, or worse, any important data communication or pin control to any crucial device to be corrupt and fail, which is why B.O.D. can be
       a valuable protection feature.  However, the B.O.D. consumes some current and disabling it will be best for circuits intended to be powered with a small battery source.

.BOD Level
       Choose your intended ISP programmer for uploading the bootloader, i.e.: your Arduino as ISP or your USBasp.  This setting will no longer apply once you install your USB Digispark.
.Chose the ISP programming method to burn the Micronucleus bootloader
       With all option parameters set, burn the Micronucleus bootloader to the ATTiny85 via you ISP programmer...
.Burn the Micronucleus Bootloader via ISP
       If you get the 'success' indication in the Arduino IDE status window, you can now install your ATTiny85 chip into its socket or solder it into place.
       If you get an unfortunate error trying to burn the bootloader, you'll have to do some troubleshooting beyond the scope of this tutorial.  I had this issue when trying to use
       the ATTinyCore board core I had set up manually in my "Hardware" folder.  I'm not sure why it failed but it mentioned something about an "error in naming."
       This is an alternate source or two which you can try, including a plain-Jane board core for the Digispark without any settings options.

       STEP 3:  Download Digispark USB driver and libraries:

       Visit:  https://github.com/digistump/DigistumpArduino/releases
.Github - Digistump Arduino Release Downloads
       Download:  "Digistump.Drivers.zip" .
       STEP 4:  Install Digispark USB driver:
.Install Digistump USB Drivers
       Unpack and run "Install Drivers.exe".

       If successfully installed - Plug in your ready Digispark or Digispark clone into a USB socket and allow Windows to install the drivers for the detected device.
       Inside your Device Manager in Windows' Control Panel, you should see no driver issues.
.USB detect Digispark device - install bootloader interface
       STEP 5:  Upload a sketch:

       Open the standard Blink sketch under Examples in the Arduino IDE.  The "LED_BUILTIN" pin designator should be associated with you Digispark ATTiny85's
       pin 1.  Go to your Tools menu and check that the Board is set to "ATTiny85 (Micronucleus / Digispark).

       Under Clock, you should set the clock to 1 MHz, 8 MHz if you intend on removing the Digispark from the USB port of independent operation.
       8 MHz will provide more performance for peripherals and operations but will consume more power.
       1 MHz will provide the most battery life.
       Each of these "(no USB)" settings, once implemented on the Digispark's ATTiny85 will run at calibrated speeds.
       You can leave the speed set to 16.5 MHz if you intend to keep your Digispark dev board continually attached to the USB port.
       The 16 MHz option may be available if the internal CPU is running off of PLL mode. [I'm not sure - but it's worth a try.]
.Digispark Clock - No USB
       Now Upload the sketch...
.Upload a Sketch to the Digispark
       You'll be prompted to "plug in the device" within 60 seconds...
.Plug in Digispark to Upload Sketch
       If you don't plug in your Digispark within a minute it will time out and abort.
       If your Digispark is already plugged in - you must remove the Digispark and plug it in again as the Micronucleus bootloader will re-initialize so that it can re-calibrate the CPU clock
       a await for new instructions to be transmitted via USB.
       If you are providing constant external power to the Digispark, you must disconnect the power so that the bootloader can re-initialize via fresh connection to the USB port.
.Digispark Micronucleus bootloader and AVRDude uploading sketch
       Your sketch should now be loaded into your new clone Digispark and the LED on pin 1 should be blinking.
       If so, congratulations!  You're now ready to tinker with a Digispark ATTiny85.
       Include libraries and example sketches:

       There are many libraries and associated example sketches available for the Digispark, however, without the original Digistump website available, the process of of
       installing them is a bit tricky.

       FIRST, re-visit:  https://github.com/digistump/DigistumpArduino/releases  and download "digistump-avr-1.6.7.zip".

       Next, unpack the Zip file and inspect the folders contained...

       You'll find a folder named "libraries".
.Digistump AVR Libraries
       COPY the included folders then locate your Arduino libraries folder:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries...  or wherever your library folder is located.
       PASTE these new folders into Arduino's library folder.  Launche the Arduino IDE and see if you have these new sketches inside of Examples.
.Example Sketches and Libraries for Digispark
       Issues and workarounds:

       Since these examples and libraries are not automatically loaded, and since information on these are harder to get at, you'll certainly run into some issues.
       You may run into library conflicts:  for instance, "keyboard.h" may exist in other examples loaded from other sources.  The solution is to install a separate instance of
       Arduino IDE, one setup JUST FOR your Digispark, where only these examples and libraries are populated.

       Fixes for every problem are outside the scope of this tutorial, so you should, of course, go hunting for other examples as well as helpful YouTube videos on all-things Digispark.

       An additional source for Digistump/Digispark resource files can be found here:


       This version (1.5) is a bit older than the Github source, but contains some interesting resources, and I believe versions for other OS's including Mac and Linux..

       The following video by Mr. T's Design Graveyard offers a complete tutorial on building your own Digispark:


      Make your own Digispark USB!  [Mr. T's Design Graveyard]



       Good luck!




   Get the ATTiny Talking to the Serial Monitor - Using Only 1 Pin

         The ATTiny has no UART and Limited Pins - Use this Setup to Debug and Communicate to the Serial Monitor

       APPLICATION WARNING:  As the internal oscillator of the ATTtiny85 can be off-frequency (typically ą10%), the user may have trouble implementing
        this technique due to the speed precision requirement of the USB communications / Serial protocol.  Certain solutions such as using the
        Digistump/Digispark or Snapduino bootloader, implementing a call to the OSCAL register with an experimentally determined value or using a
        dedicated 16 MHz crystal (on pins 2 and 3) may be required.

       If you're familiar with programming ATTiny's from the Arduino IDE, you know that these tiny chips offer decent flexibility but come with some limitations, particularly in serial communication. The ATTiny85, for instance, only has a Universal Serial Interface (USI) instead of a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) that bigger chip such as the ATmega328p, making standard serial communication challenging.  However, using an FTDI USB-to-Serial interface and the SoftwareSerial option, more particularly, the Send-Only SoftwareSerial library by Nick Gammon, you can establish serial communication with just ONE PIN!

       Why use one pin, you may ask?  Isn't serial communications a two-pin requirement?  Using a single pin for serial communication is beneficial when working with pin-limited microcontrollers like the ATTiny series.  So obviously, using only a single pin allows you to reserve the other few pins for different functionalities, which is crucial to the viability of the mroe small projects chips like the ATtiny85 are suited for.
       Setting Up the ATTiny for 1-Pin Serial Communication:

       Reference the simple schematic.  We'll use the ATTiny85 as an example...
       Here, we'll assume that you have the Arduino IDE running along with your chosen core and have the bootloader installed and etc..

       FIRST:  Download and install Nick Gammon's Send-Only Software Serial library from his GitHub link:


       You'll need to remove the part of the download file's name "-master".
       Then you'll need to go into your Libraries Manager inside of Arduino IDE and use the Install from ZIP option to install it.

       You'll need to wire up your ATTiny microcontroller IC to an FTDI USB-to-Serial interface as follows:

        • Connect the FTDI's RX pin to eh designated Serial Output pin (TX) on your ATTiny.  (Remember: RX to TX, TX to RX)
        • Connect the FTDI's GND to the ATTiny's GND.
        • You can power the ATTiny from the VCC of the FTDI - ONLY if there's no more than an LED or two running from the ATTiny85 as not to tax the FTDI of USB port,
           otherwise, connect each device to appropriate sources according to good practice.
           The RX device should never be running at a lower voltage (ie. 3.3v) than the TX (ie. 5v) for obvious reasons.
           Is it safe to connect an ATTiny running on a 5v battery to share VCC with a 5v source USB device?  I can't tell you for sure - this is beyond the scope of this article.

       Here is a code example:
#include <SendOnlySoftwareSerial.h>  // Pretty important for this to work  :)

SendOnlySoftwareSerial mySerial(3);  // Use pin 3 for TX

void setup() {

void loop() {
  mySerial.println("Hello from ATTiny!");

       Upload this code to your ATTiny via your programmer, and open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE with the baud rate set to 9600 and the Com port set to that of your FTDI.
       You should see "Hello from ATTiny!" every second.

       These are obvious, for one, you get to free up a pin to use for another purpose.  The SendOnlySoftwareSerial libary is pretty straight forward, and just as with Arduino IDE's SoftwareSerial library, you simply replace the call "Serial" with your own naming; "mySerial".  You can even use more than one pin for additional serial outputs!  For instance, devices like the DFRobot MP3 Mini can operate with controls sent over one pin from the mcu's TX pin to this device's RX pin allowing you to run more than one device at once.


       No receiving capability, but this is also obvious.  
       Speed Limitation: Software serial communication can be slower and less reliable than hardware UART!
       Large memory requirement:  Any use of of the Serial protocol will use up a large portion of SRAM space, and may even be too large to use on the smaller ATTiny's!
       This method should be compatible with several non-UDPI ATTiny type microcontroller IC's, including the ATTiny13, ATTiny24, ATTiny44, ATTiny84, ATTiny25, ATTiny45 and ATTiny85, and each of these chips should be able to utilize the Send-Only SoftwareSerial library, enabling serial communication with one pin.
       Receiving Serial Data:

       To receive serial data from a PC, you can use the Receive-Only SoftwareSerial library, also by Nick Gammon,
       which you can get at this link:  [LINK]
       However, this requires a different setup and another pin dedicated to RX if you wish to use this in conjunction with Send-Only.
       The fix here is to either use Arduino IDE's SoftwareSerial library which will give you both TX and RX pins
       or just try out Nick Gammon's complementary library.
       I'm not sure why I can't find the Receive version at his GitHub site, but the posted link goes to the appropriate
       Arduino.com article with a download of that library and sample files.

       For Receive via 1 pin to work, you would connect between the FTDI's TX and your ATTiny's RX.

       Alternatively, Spence Konde's attinycore for Arduino offers a built-in software serial solution that uses both RX and TX pins.
       While this is a robust alternative, again, it requires two pins, which may not be suitable for pin-limited projects.
       So, using one pin to transmit serial data from an ATTiny microcontroller to a PC via an FTDI interface is a practical solution for debugging and simple serial communication.  While this method has limitations, it does offer a way to achieve serial communication on a pin-limited microcontroller that doesn't normally come with the luxury of Serial.



   Enhancing ATTiny Coding for More Space and Speed

       Use Low-Level Commands and Bitwise Operations to Optimize Your ATTiny 


       The ATTiny85 is often chosen for it's small size and low cost, and with these considerations it is thus a powerful yet constrained microcontroller, perfect for the vast majority of simple and small hobbyist tech projects.  However, if the hobbyist 'maker' wishes to do more than blink a few LED's, its limited memory and processing power necessitate more efficient coding techniques.  If you're already familiar with Arduino IDE programming, you can significantly improve your ATTiny85 projects by delving into low-level commands, bitwise operations, and direct manipulation of internal addresses.  The following section will introduce these concepts, helping you optimize memory usage and increase execution speed, or at least cause you to begin your search down the rabbit hole for more information.


     Understanding Bitwise Operations

       Bitwise operations allow you to manipulate individual bits within a byte, offering more control and efficiency.
       Here are the basic bitwise operators in C++:

       &  (AND):  Sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1.
       |    (OR):     Sets each bit to 1 if one of the bits is 1.
       ^   (XOR):  Sets each bit to 1 if only one of the bits is 1.
       ~   (NOT):   Inverts all the bits.
       << (LEFT SHIFT):  Shifts bits to the left, filling with 0's.
       >> (RIGHT SHIFT):  Shifts bits to the right, filling with 0's.
     Direct Port Manipulation

       High-Abstract-Layer programming such as how the Arduino IDE operates makes it easier to do the most common functions but a lot of powerful features are not so accessible and the additional translation under the hood will often consume more memory and processor clock cycles.   Instead of using high-level functions like digitalWrite() and digitalRead(), you can directly manipulate the ATTiny's I/O ports.
       This approach is faster and uses less memory.


       The following example uses classic high-level code to blink an LED connected to pin 0:


void setup() {

  pinMode(0, OUTPUT);    // Set pin 0 as an output

void loop() {

  digitalWrite(0, HIGH); // Turn the LED on

  delay(1000);           // Wait for a second

  digitalWrite(0, LOW);  // Turn the LED off

  delay(1000);           // Wait for a second


       This sketch, when compiled uses 466 bytes at (5%) of program storage space out of a maximum of 8192 bytes on the ATTiny85.
       The following example does the same thing but uses low-level code which is more optimized:  
(Example running on ATTiny set to 1 MHz Operation)


#define F_CPU 1000000UL // Before using the _delay_ms() function, the clock frequency must be defined
#include <avr/io.h>     
#include <util/delay.h>
// The delay.h must also be included

void setup() {

  DDRB |= (1 << DDB0);  // Set PB0 as an output (equivalent to pinMode)

void loop() {

  PORTB |= (1 << PB0);  // Set PB0 high (equivalent to digitalWrite HIGH)

  _delay_ms(1000);      // Wait for a second

  PORTB &= ~(1 << PB0); // Set PB0 low (equivalent to digitalWrite LOW)

  _delay_ms(1000);      // Wait for a second


       In the low-level code example, DDRB (Data Direction Register B) is used to set the pin's direction (an Input or an Output,) and PORTB controls the pin state.  Bitwise operations set or clear specific bits, offering precise control over the microcontroller's I/O.  "_delay_ms" can be replaced for the standard Arduino "delay" function if you wish and the included libraries at the top are not required for the address/bitwise operators.

       This sketch, when compiled uses only 292 bytes at (3%) of program storage space.
        A smaller size than the previous sketch which will certainly add up as the coding requirements increase.
     Accessing Internal Registers

       Directly accessing and manipulating internal registers can save memory and speed up your code.
       The ATTiny85 has several registers for controlling its two timers, ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter,) and more.


       The following example sets up the ATTiny to blink an LED on pin 0 twice a second using delay() a high-level "Arduino" function:


void setup() {

  pinMode(0, OUTPUT);    // Set pin 0 as an output


void loop() {

  digitalWrite(0, HIGH); // Turn the LED on

  delay(250);            // Wait for 250 milliseconds

  digitalWrite(0, LOW);  // Turn the LED off

  delay(250);            // Wait for 250 milliseconds


       This sketch, when compiled uses 466 bytes at (5%) of program storage space out of a maximum of 8192 bytes on the ATTiny85.

       The following example uses Low-Level Code to blink and LED on pin 0 twice a second
        using Direct Register Manipulation to work with one of the two internal Timers:
       (Example running on ATTiny set to 8 MHz Operation, so re-burn the bootloader with Clock Source under Tools set to 8MHz if need be,
        or set the Prescaler to reflect any different speed.)


#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

void setup() {

  // Set PB0 (pin 5) as an output

  DDRB |= (1 << DDB0);

  // Set Timer1 to CTC (Clear Timer on Compare Match) mode

  TCCR1 = (1 << CTC1);    // Set CTC1 bit to 1 to enable CTC mode

  // Set the compare value for a 250ms interval
  // Assuming an 8 MHz (internal) clock and a Prescaler of 8192:
  //  8 MHz / 8192 = 976/s (approx)
  //  [Just set the Prescaler to 1024 if using a 1 MHz CPU clock.]
  // The OCR1C register is only 8-bit, so we need to divide it further:
  //  1 second / 250ms = 4 cycles (pin 5 toggles on & off 4 times/sec at 2 LED blinks a sec)
  // OCR1C = 8 MHz / 8192 / 4 = 244

  OCR1C = 244; // Set compare value for 250ms interval

  // Enable Timer1 compare interrupt

  TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE1A);

  // Set Prescaler to 
  // See data sheet under Timers for full chart of Prescaler combinations

  TCCR1 |= (1 << CS13) | (1 << CS12) | (1 << CS11); 

  // Enable global interrupts  (ALWAYS remember to set this!)


// Timer1 compare match interrupt service routine


  // Toggle PB0 (which would control an LED)

  PORTB ^= (1 << PB0);

void loop() {

  // Main loop remains empty as the ISR handles the timing!
  // Feel free to employ any other code and the LED will blink in the 'background'.


       In this low-level code example [above]:

       1.  Setting PB0 as an Output:  The DDRB register is modified to set PB0 (pin 0) as an output.
       2.  Configuring Timer1 in CTC Mode:  The TCCR1 – Timer/Counter1 Control Register is set to enable CTC mode.
       3.  Setting the Compare Value:  OCR1C is set to 244 to achieve a 250ms interval based on the the ATTiny's clock being set to 8 MHz using a Prescaler factor of 8192.
      4.  Enabling a Timer Interrupt:  The TIMSK register is used to enable the Timer1 compare interrupt.
       5.  Setting the Prescaler:  The TCCR1 – Timer/Counter1 Control Register sets the Prescaler to clk/8192.
       6.  Handling the Interrupt:  The ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) routine toggles pin port PB0, making the connected LED blink.
       I know the low-level example above looks super complicated and takes up way more programming lines but this low-level approach is more efficient and precise, avoiding the overhead of the delay() function and enabling finer control over the timing.  Believe it or not, this method essentially takes up less chip memory (308 bytes at 3% of program storage space) and even lets you blink the LED in the background while you can run other program functions, which is closer to a true "State Machine."  Keep in mind that any other function requiring Timer1 will be affected, but the above example is just to show you the benefit of directly accessing the internal registers.

       I plan to add a more concise explanation and use examples of the ATTiny's Timer/address functions down the road.

     Optimizing Memory Usage

       When memory is limited, every byte counts.
       Use the PROGMEM directive to store constant data in flash memory instead of SRAM.

       In this example, the message array is stored in flash memory, freeing up valuable SRAM.

       NOTE!::  The following example requires the added library: Send-Only SoftwareSerial by Nick Gammon, which you can get from GitHub [HERE].

       Check out the above section for more info:

       Since the ATTiny85 (with only 8 pins) generally does not have a connected USB/bootloader interface or a dedicated UART, you'll have to use an FTDI interface.
       This is a common and inexpensive ($6) programmer (I'll add a description and links soon), and with the SendOnlySoftwareSerial library you'll only need to use one pin (as TX)
       which will connect to the FTDI programmer's RX pin.  There's also a Receive-Only version.
       The included Arduino IDE Software-Serial will work too, but that takes two pins.

       For the following example, connect the VCC (pin 8) and GND (pin 4) of the ATTiny85 to the VCC and GND of the FTDI interface.
       "TX" as assigned (pin 0 of the ATTiny85) will connect to the RX of the FTDI interface.  Use no other power source, and the FTDI can supply 3.3v or 5v, each will work.

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>             // Library for special program memory handling
#include <SendOnlySoftwareSerial.h>   // Allows for the sending of data using only 1 pin
                                      // get at: https://github.com/nickgammon/SendOnlySoftwareSerial

SendOnlySoftwareSerial mySerial (0);  // Tx pin (try other IO pins if it doesn't connect)

const char message[] PROGMEM = "Hello, World!";  // Array to place data in program memory upon boot

void setup() {

  delay(2000);                // Wait 2 seconds for the Serial Monitor to be ready.

  mySerial.begin(9600);       // We are using "mySerial." instead of "Serial."

  mySerial.println(F("Reading from PROGMEM:"));  // This text to be incorporated in prog. mem when compiled.

  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(message); i++) {    // Cycle through length of text

    char c = pgm_read_byte(&message[i]);         // Read byte in text

mySerial.print(c);        // Now print character to the Serial Monitor via the FTDI interface
    delay(100);               // Make sure to allow the interface to keep up - adjust as needed.

mySerial.println();         // Drop down a line...


void loop() {

  // Your main code, but you can also incorporate the above...

       By leveraging low-level commands, bitwise operations, and direct register manipulation, you can greatly enhance the performance and efficiency of your ATTiny85 projects.  These techniques are crucial for working within the paltry constraints of the ATTiny85, especially if you wish to do a lot, and it also allows you to maximize its more hidden capabilities.

       You're encouraged to experiment with these methods, learning more about them using the great resources of YouTube, Arduino's site and others, and yes, even your favorite chat-bot which can help you work out the code, and you may see significant improvements in your ATTiny's code's memory usage and execution speed helping you to a heck of a lot with an 8-pin MCU.  I also strongly encourage you to check out Technoblogy.com (choose ATTiny85 from the right-side drop menu) for a lot of great low-level fun with lots of description and examples.

       There are still other register mysteries of the ATTiny85 which I hope to expound upon later including working with the ADC, using the timers to get PWM and Tone which is not featured through Arduino IDE on the ATTiny85, its universal communications setup (No native UART and limited Serial as with the 328p,) and other features using the fuse settings such as sleep modes, brown-out detect and others.  With the right register control and libraries, we can even get I2C, SPI, Addressable LED control, 4-channel PWM and more!  

       Did I miss or mess up anything in the above code?  Fix it, test it and let me know - Thanks!



   ATtiny Fuse Setter with 12 Volt Charge Pump  -  A.K.A. "High Voltage Resetter"

         Will work for ATtiny13, ATtiny24, ATtiny44, ATtiny84, ATtiny25, ATtiny45 and ATtiny85


..ATtiny Fuse Setter with Charge Pump - Arduino Shield

.    Shown above:  I built this project as an Arduino Uno shield and it works as advertised.
      The physical size of the capacitors is not crucial (and these shown were the only ones I had in stock.)


     Get control of your ATTiny's hidden settings, change your Reset pin to I/O Pin 6 (and vice versa) and un-brick your chip
     with this useful Fuse Setter (with built-in 12 Volt charge pump supply) designed by Wayne Holder at Wayne's Tinkering Page.

     Wayne's ATTiny Fuse Reset with 12 Volt Charge Pump requires only the 5 volt supply from your Arduino and generates
     the 12 volts needed at the Reset pin (1) to program the fuses on the ATTiny chips.

     This device is based on his ATTiny Fuse Reset project - Read the page at this link for overall instructions!...

     NOTE:  Building this project and implementing fuse settings will require a bit of experience and a willingness to do a bit of research first
                   and is not recommended for newbies.

     The Arduino pin designations are on the left in the schematic.  Schematic shows the target device as the ATtiny13 but the setup will be the
     same for the other 8-pin chips.  For the 24, 44 and 84 series, you will have to reassign the lines to the appropriate pin locations.


Wayne's Tinkering Page - ATTiny Fuse Reset with 12 Volt Charge Pump

     The code is adapted from a design by Paul Willoughby at https://www.rickety.us/2010/03/arduino-avr-high-voltage-serial-programmer/

     Download the sketch HERE:  High_Voltage_Fuse_Resetter_ATTiny85_Charge_Pump_Version_2.ino

     [This sketch has been updated from Wayne's version but I'm not sure where I found it - or I may have tweaked it.]

     You will need to first visit one of these two site for the proper fuse settings:


     Follow the instruction //commented// in the sketch's header section:

       1) Set baud rate of Serial Monitor to 57600
       2) Use Online Fuse Calculator to find desired values... the sketch is setup with defaults.
       3) Change #define values for your setup:

            #define  HFUSE45  0xDF    // DF Reset Enabled, 5F Reset Disabled - PB5 as IO
            #define  LFUSE45  0xE2
            #define  EFUSE45  0xFF

       4) Upload sketch and just Enter anything in the input field on the Serial Monitor.

     Serial Monitor should display the detected AVR chip model, initial fuse settings and new settings for verification.

     NOTE:  BEFORE changing the Reset (PB5/IC pin 1) feature to that of a 'weak' I/O (FHUSE45 0x5F,) remember to upload your project
                   sketch FIRST as ISP programming will no longer be possible until you reset the HFUSE45 back to 0xDF.
                   Memory/programming Lock Bits are not set with this sketch - if anyone is able to add this feature with some explanation,
                   please contact me: mikek4icy@gmail.com

     Please refer to Microchip's manual for detailed information on each fuse setting.

     You should try this out on a protoboard first and you can verify the changing of the Reset/IO option on (pin 1) PB5 by running an LED blink sketch on that pin.  Building a shield for your Arduino Uno R3 will make this a convenient process.

     Here's more information on reprogramming the ATTiny's fuses by Ralph Bacon.
     This is an alternate method and circuit using a dedicated 12v source.  Find out more here:


      Six, yes SIX, GPIO pins on an ATTiny85  [Ralph S. Bacon #87]



      PCB for ATTiny85 Fuse Resetter (using JLCPCB & EasyEDA)  [Ralph S. Bacon #144]




   Get I2C, SPI, Addressable LED control, OneWire and more on your ATTiny

       Even without hardware communications features like UART, there are bit-banged solutions
       This section is under construction, however, the following video by Ralph S. Bacon may answer your questions...

      ATTiny85 + I2C + SPI and more!  [Ralph S. Bacon #82]




   Reducing Current Consumption with ATTiny Sleep Modes

         Learn the Mystic Lullaby to Put Your ATTiny to Sleep - Add Years to Your Battery's Life

       In the realm of microcontrollers, the ATTiny series stands out for its balance of simplicity and functionality.  The ATTiny85, a popular choice among hobbyists and professionals alike, offers powerful features for such a small package and one of its most valuable capabilities is the ability to enter various sleep modes, dramatically reducing the power consumption.  Here, I'll guide you through the implementation of the ATTiny's sleep modes and shed some light with practical steps and code examples to help you get started.  Let's assume you the reader already have a basic understanding of setting up and programming an ATTiny.
       Why Use Sleep Modes?

       Reducing power consumption is critical for battery-powered applications.  Using the ATTiny's sleep modes, when applicable, can extend battery life significantly!  The ATTiny85, like other microcontrollers in the ATTiny AVR series, provides several sleep modes to tailor power consumption to the needs of your application.
       Sleep Modes Overview:

       The ATTiny85 supports multiple sleep modes, each offering different levels of power savings:

       •  Idle Mode: The CPU is stopped, but internal peripherals like the ADC, Timer/Counter, and Watchdog Timer (WDT) continue to run.

               Use the following call in the enterSleepMode() function to use:

set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_IDLE);  // Set the sleep mode to Idle

ADC Noise Reduction Mode: Similar to Idle, but the ADC has a lower noise environment.
               This mode reduces noise during ADC conversions by stopping the CPU and I/O clocks while keeping the ADC running.
               Use the following call in the enterSleepMode() function to use:

set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_ADC);  // Set the sleep mode to ADC Noise Reduction

       •  Power-Down Mode: The most power-saving mode; only the Watchdog Timer and external interrupts can wake the MCU.
               Use the following call in the enterSleepMode() function to use:

set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);  // Choose the desired sleep mode

       •  Power-Save Mode: Similar to Power-Down but with an asynchronous timer running.
               Use the following call in the enterSleepMode() function to use:

set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE);  // Set the sleep mode to Power-save

       •  Standby Mode: The crystal (external) / resonator (internal) oscillator is kept running, but all other operations are halted, allowing a faster wake-up.
               Use the following call in the enterSleepMode() function to use:

set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_STANDBY);  // Set the sleep mode to Standby

       •  Extended Standby Mode: Combines features of Standby and Power-Save modes, keeping the asynchronous timer running and the oscillator active.
               Use the following call in the enterSleepMode() function to use:

set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_EXT_STANDBY);  // Set the sleep mode to Extended Standby

       Setting Up Sleep Modes:

       To use sleep modes effectively, you need to include the  avr/sleep.h  library in your code and configure the desired sleep mode using a series of functions, calls and macros.

       Here is the general setup.  Inside the  set_sleep_mode(.....)  function call, the name of the mode will be inserted to tell the library which one to use.
#include <avr/sleep.h>      // This libary takes care of all the tricky register stuff and lets you use the sleep modes
#include <avr/wdt.h>        // Sets use of the Watchdog Timer - If using this feature to 'wake' the MCU from sleep
#include <avr/interrupt.h>  // Sets use of interrupts

// Function to enter sleep mode

void enterSleepMode() {

  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);   // Choose the desired sleep mode
  sleep_enable();   // Enable sleep mode

  // Optional: Disable BOD (Brownout Detection) for additional power savings
  cli();                // Disable interrupts
  sei();                // Enable interrupts

  sleep_cpu();      // Enter sleep mode

  // MCU will continue from here after waking up

  sleep_disable();  // Disable sleep mode after wake-up

       General Steps to Enter a Sleep Mode:

       1.  Include Required Libraries:  You need  avr/sleep.h  for sleep functions and  avr/interrupt.h  for managing interrupts.
       2.  Set the Sleep Mode:  Use the  set_sleep_mode()  function to specify the desired sleep mode.
       3.  Enable Sleep Mode:  Use the  sleep_enable()  function to enable the sleep mode.
       4.  Disable BOD (Optional):  Optionally disable the Brown-Out Detector for additional power savings using  sleep_bod_disable().
       5.  Enter Sleep Mode:  Call  sleep_cpu()  to put the MCU into sleep mode.
       6.  Disable Sleep Mode After Wake-up:  After the MCU wakes up, disable sleep mode using  sleep_disable().

       These steps can be adapted to any sleep mode by changing the argument to  set_sleep_mode().
       Each mode provides different levels of power saving and operational capabilities, so choose the one that best fits your application needs.

       Waking the ATTiny:

       The ATTiny series, including the ATTiny85, supports various ways to wake from sleep modes.
       The primary methods include external pin change interrupts and other (internal) peripheral interrupts.

       Here’s an overview of these wake-up sources and how to use them:
       •  Using the Watchdog Timer for Wake-up

       The Watchdog Timer (WDT) can be used to periodically wake the MCU from sleep mode.
       Configure the WDT to generate interrupts at specified intervals.
       The maximum is 8 seconds, so for longer sleep periods using the WDT, use an incremental counter to cause an action after your desired time.
ISR(WDT_vect) {    // This function is called when the WDT interrupt occurs

void setupWatchdogTimer() {

  cli();                                             // Disable interrupts
  wdt_reset();                                       // Reset the WDT
  WDTCSR |= (1 << WDCE) | (1 << WDE);                // Enable WDT changes
  WDTCSR = (1 << WDP3) | (1 << WDP0) | (1 << WDIE);  // Set timeout to 8 seconds and enable WDT interrupt
                                                     //  - Configure these registers to set the wait time
  sei();                                             // Enable interrupts

       •  External Pin Change Interrupts

       The ATTiny85 has external interrupts that can wake the MCU from sleep.
       These include the Pin Change Interrupt and an External Interrupt (INT0).

          1. External Interrupt (INT0)

          The ATTiny85 has a dedicated external interrupt pin, INT0 (PB2 on ATTiny85).
          You can configure this pin to trigger an interrupt on a low level, any logical change, falling edge, or rising edge.
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

// Interrupt Service Routine for INT0
ISR(INT0_vect) {
  // Code to execute when INT0 interrupt occurs

void setupExternalInterrupt() {
  cli();  // Disable interrupts
  DDRB &= ~(1 << PB2);  // Set PB2 as input
  PORTB |= (1 << PB2);  // Enable pull-up resistor on PB2

  // Configure INT0 to trigger on a falling edge
  MCUCR |= (1 << ISC01);
  MCUCR &= ~(1 << ISC00);

  // Enable INT0 interrupt
  GIMSK |= (1 << INT0);
  sei();                // Enable interrupts

void enterSleepMode() {
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);  // Choose the desired sleep mode
  sleep_enable();                       // Enable sleep mode

  cli();                                // Disable interrupts
  sleep_bod_disable();                  // Disable BOD (optional)
  sei();                                // Enable interrupts

  sleep_cpu();                          // Enter sleep mode

  sleep_disable();                      // Disable sleep mode after wake-up

void setup() {
  setupExternalInterrupt();             // Set up the external interrupt

void loop() {
  enterSleepMode();                     // Enter sleep mode

          2. Pin Change Interrupts

          The ATTiny85 supports pin change interrupts on all pins.
          This allows any I/O pin to wake the MCU from sleep when its state changes.
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

// Interrupt Service Routine for Pin Change Interrupt
ISR(PCINT0_vect) {
  // Code to execute when a pin change interrupt occurs

void setupPinChangeInterrupt() {
  cli();  // Disable interrupts
  PCMSK |= (1 << PCINT0);               // Enable pin change interrupt for PB0  (Use ANY of the I/O pins PB0-PB5)
  GIMSK |= (1 << PCIE);                 // Enable pin change interrupt
  sei();  // Enable interrupts

void enterSleepMode() {
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);  // Choose the desired sleep mode
  sleep_enable();  // Enable sleep mode

  cli();                                // Disable interrupts
  sleep_bod_disable();                  // Disable BOD (optional)
  sei();                                // Enable interrupts

  sleep_cpu();                          // Enter sleep mode

  sleep_disable();                      // Disable sleep mode after wake-up

void setup() {
  setupPinChangeInterrupt();            // Set up the pin change interrupt

void loop() {
  enterSleepMode();                     // Enter sleep mode

       •  Other Wake-up Sources

       Aside from external interrupts, the ATTiny85 can wake up from sleep using other peripheral interrupts. Some common ones include:

          •  Timer/Counter Interrupts:  Timer interrupts can be configured to wake the MCU from sleep modes.
         •  ADC Conversion Complete Interrupt:  In ADC Noise Reduction mode, the ADC interrupt can wake the MCU.
          •  EEPROM Ready Interrupt:  If the EEPROM is busy writing, the EEPROM ready interrupt can wake the MCU once the operation is complete.
          •  Analog Comparator Interrupt:  The analog comparator interrupt can wake the MCU when the comparator output changes.
       ATTiny85 Current Consumption in Different Sleep Modes:

  With the ATTiny's sleep modes, you can design projects that are extremely power-efficient, making them ideal for long-term, battery-powered applications!
          Current consumption can be tricky to nail down and depend on the project and all connected devices and circuit components.
          Here are some general values for the current draw of the ATTiny85 operating in each particular sleep mode.
          The exact numbers on current consumption can vary slightly based on the specific conditions and operating voltage
          but the values provided below are typical and come from the ATTiny85's datasheet.

          Of course, for an accurate account on the current draw of any particular project and the estimation on battery life
          you'll have to take an ammeter to your project and use an online battery-life calculator for best results.

          The following numbers are based on the ATTiny85 running a 1 MHz CPU clock and at 3V.

          •  Active Mode:       Current Consumption: ~5-6 mA at 1 MHz, 3V

          •  Idle Mode:       Current Consumption: ~1-2 mA at 1 MHz, 3V
             The CPU is stopped, but the peripherals like ADC, Timer/Counter, and Watchdog Timer continue to run.

          •  ADC Noise Reduction Mode:       Current Consumption: ~0.3-0.5 mA at 1 MHz, 3V
             Similar to Idle mode, but the CPU and I/O clocks are stopped, allowing ADC noise reduction.

          •  Power-down Mode:       Current Consumption: ~0.1-1 uA at 1 MHz, 3V
             The most power-saving mode, where only the Watchdog Timer or external interrupts can wake the MCU.

          •  Power-save Mode:       Current Consumption: ~0.75 uA at 1 MHz, 3V
             Similar to Power-down, but with an asynchronous timer running.

          •  Standby Mode:       Current Consumption: ~1.8 uA at 1 MHz, 3V
             The oscillator is kept running, but all other operations are halted, allowing a faster wake-up.

          •  Extended Standby Mode:       Current Consumption: ~1.8 uA at 1 MHz, 3V
             Combines the features of Standby and Power-save modes, keeping the asynchronous timer running and the oscillator active.

          Key Points to Consider:

          Voltage Dependency:  Current consumption values are typically lower at lower operating voltages.
                 The values above are for 3V. At higher voltages, the current consumption will be higher.
          CPU Clock Speed:  Part and parcel to voltage dependency, a faster clock speed requires a higher voltage to operate.
          Temperature Effects:  Higher temperatures can increase current consumption slightly.
          Fuse Settings:  Disabling the Brown-Out Detector (BOD) can save additional power, especially in Power-down and Standby modes.

          Practical Application:

          Using the data above, you can estimate the power consumption and battery life of your ATTiny85 projects.
          For example, a CR2032 lithium coin cell typically has a capacity of around 220 mAh.
          If your ATTiny85 spends most of its time in Power-Down mode (~0.1 ľA), the theoretical battery life could be several years!
          However, actual battery life will depend on factors like how often the MCU wakes up and the duration of active periods
          and of course, all connected components such as LED's, transistors and any resistor path that consumes current.

       Fuse Settings and BOD:

       To further reduce power consumption, you can configure the fuse settings to disable the Brown-Out Detector (BOD).
       The BOD ensures that the MCU operates within a safe voltage range, but it consumes power.
       Disabling BOD can save additional power, especially in sleep modes.

       Disabling the BOD can be done by several methods including the call:  
sleep_bod_disable(); as shown in code examples above,
       From the Tools menu in Arduino IDE if using the ATTinyCore or by setting a fuse which is a memory bit on the ATTiny chip which requires
       a fuse setter [SEE ABOVE] and a bit of research on which ones to set. You can also use the compiler tools like avrdude or a GUI tool
       like AVRDUDESS to set the fuses.  For instance, to disable BOD, you might set the BODLEVEL fuse to 111 (disabled).

       Practical Considerations:

       Measure current consumption using a multimeter while the ATTiny is in different sleep modes to understand the power savings and benefit to your project.
       Optimize wake-up events such as minimizing the frequency of wake-up events (increasing WDT time) to maximize power savings.
       Also consider which external components you may use to support low-power modes and avoid unnecessary power draw.
       Project Example:  Let's Blink an LED with Sleep Mode

       Here's a sketch which will blink an LED every 8 seconds using the Watchdog Timer to wake the MCU from Power-down mode.
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

#define LED_PIN PB0

ISR(WDT_vect) {
  // Toggle LED
  PORTB ^= (1 << LED_PIN);

void setupWatchdogTimer() {

  cli();                                             // Disable interrupts
  wdt_reset();                                       // Reset the WDT
  WDTCSR |= (1 << WDCE) | (1 << WDE);                // Enable WDT changes
  WDTCSR = (1 << WDP3) | (1 << WDP0) | (1 << WDIE);  // Set timeout to 8 seconds and enable WDT interrupt
                                                     //  - Configure these registers to set the wait time
  sei();                                             // Enable interrupts

void enterSleepMode() {
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);  // Choose the desired sleep mode
  sleep_enable();  // Enable sleep mode

  cli();                                // Disable interrupts
  sleep_bod_disable();                  // Disable BOD (optional)
  sei();                                // Enable interrupts

  sleep_cpu();                          // Enter sleep mode

  sleep_disable();                      // Disable sleep mode after wake-up

void setup() {
  // Set up LED pin
  DDRB |= (1 << LED_PIN);

  // Set up Watchdog Timer

  // Enter initial sleep mode

void loop() {
  // Enter sleep mode in the main loop

       Project Example:  Using Timer Interrupt to Wake from Sleep
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

// Interrupt Service Routine for Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A
ISR(TIM0_COMPA_vect) {
  // Code to execute when the timer interrupt occurs

void setupTimerInterrupt() {
  cli();  // Disable interrupts
  TCCR0A |= (1 << WGM01);               // Set timer to CTC mode
  OCR0A = 156;                          // Set compare value for 100ms interval
  TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE0A);               // Enable Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A interrupt
  TCCR0B |= (1 << CS02) | (1 << CS00);  // Set prescaler to 1024
  sei();  // Enable interrupts

void enterSleepMode() {
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE);  // Choose the desired sleep mode
  sleep_enable();          // Enable sleep mode

  cli();                   // Disable interrupts
  sleep_bod_disable();     // Disable BOD (optional)
  sei();                   // Enable interrupts

  sleep_cpu();             // Enter sleep mode

  sleep_disable();         // Disable sleep mode after wake-up

void setup() {
  setupTimerInterrupt();   // Set up the timer interrupt

void loop() {
  enterSleepMode();        // Enter sleep mode

       Implementing sleep modes in the ATTiny85 is a powerful way to reduce power consumption and extend battery life in your projects. By understanding and utilizing the different sleep modes, configuring the Watchdog Timer for periodic wake-ups, and optimizing your fuse settings, you can create efficient, low-power applications. Consider the little bit of extra power at your hands which can take your ATTiny85 projects to the next level, balancing performance with battery life as you take a trip through the 'Land of Nod."

       I know to some the registry commands like "TCCR0B" can be tricky to learn, but on a small AVR such as the ATTiny85, using low-level code make make the difference between fitting your desired sketch on you chip and not.  I'm pretty sure I might have missed or messed up something in the code (and I need to actually test them) but if there's anything out of whack, please correct and send it on to me. Thanks!

       Sweet dreams!



   Pitfalls, Deficiencies and Workarounds 

       From no UART to ADC noise, we address what's lacking with the ATTiny85 compared to the Arduino's ATMega329p chip, and offer some solutions
       Despite older and less-capable technologies the ATmega328p and ATTiny85 are both still popular microcontrollers, and as a hobbyist feels they've mastered the Arduino Uno and its '328p' they begin to explore other options such as the ESP32 and yes, the ATTiny's.  It doesn't take long before they stumble upon the differences in features and capabilities, including the down-sides.

       If we compare between Apples, and little crab apples, I mean between the ATmega328p and ATTiny85 ("328p" vs. "85" for sake of brevity,) we first have the obvious: the 85 has fewer I/O Pins, at 5 (6 with the fuse setter) while the 328p-AU (SMD series) has 23.  Fewer I/O pin limits the 85's ability to interface with multiple peripherals or components simultaneously, and it also doesn't have any dedicated external interrupts.

       The 85, of course has a lower memory capacity with flash memory at 8 KB max, while the ATmega328P has 32 KB.  SRAM on the 85 is a quarter of the 328p's 2 KB at only 512 bytes.  And the EEPROM of the 85 is only 512 bytes, while the 328P has 1 KB.  The lower memory capacity of the ATTiny85 restricts the size and complexity of the programs it can run.

       The 85 has fewer peripherals.  Internal timers are critical for core operations and the timing of communications between the MCU and external devices.  The y85 has fewer timers (1 8-bit and 1 16-bit) compared to the 328P which has three timers (2 8-bit and 1 16-bit).  The 85 has a limited set of communication interfaces with only a USI (Universal Serial Interface,) while the 328P supports USART, SPI, I2C/TWI and others since the 85 has no hardware serial (UART) support while the 328p does.

       The 85 has fewer ADC channels (4 channels, 10-bit) while 328P has 6 channels (8 if not using analog comparator) with a 10-bit resolution.  One more glaring deficiency of the 85's ADC is that it glitches or becomes unstable when running at the same time and any I/O switching and certain register operations.

       As far as clock speeds, both the 85 and 328p can run at a typical 16 MHz (and up to 20 MHz) using an external clock source, crystal or ceramic resonator, and each can run at 1, 2, 4 and 8 MHz with their internal R/C oscillators.  The major fault of the 85, of course, is that when running on an external crystal, two pins must be dedicated and one pin if sharing a clock pulse from another device in-circuit. On each device, the internal oscillators are by nature, often inaccurate, which becomes problematic when requiring exact timings for peripheral serial communication.

       The 85 has limited development and debugging support compared to the 328p which is well-supported by a wide range of development tools and environments, including more advanced debugging capabilities as well as a larger array of supported libraries.  Over the 85, the 328p has a larger support community and extensive documentation due to its popularity.

       While both microcontrollers have various power-saving modes, the 328P offers more sophisticated options and flexibility for power management over the 85, making it a bit more suitable for battery-powered applications requiring extended battery life.

       Despite these deficiencies, the ATTiny85 is still a popular choice for projects where size, cost, and simplicity are critical factors.  It excels in applications that require minimal I/O, limited memory, and low power consumption.  There has been small growth in development and Arduino IDE compatibility, especially thanks to Spence Konde's ATTinyCore.

       Many of the 85's shortcomings can be overcome with cleaver programming.  For instance, if you need more I/O, you can use an I/O expander (with bit-banged I2C,) or shift registers.  There are bit-banged programming options and libraries to add SPI, I2C, Addressable LED control and other peripheral communications to the Tiny which only has USI.  And the issue of ADC glitches can be overcome by mitigating time sharing on a register/bitwise level between the ADC and I/O.

       The ATTiny85 and other ATTiny models are actually very versatile within their own capabilities, and should be considered as an easy-to-program, low cost solution to simple projects.  Unlike the ATmega328p which is considered "not to be used in new devices" by Microchip, the ATTiny85 8-pin DIP version is still in production.

       More information in this section will be added periodically...


Updated 08/30/24

(c)2024 Copyright - Michael A. Maynard, a.k.a. K4ICY