Living in the world of 2-D graphic design for nearly two decades I was then caught up in a flood of 3-D design software innovation and moved up to the next dimension!
I found that the NURBS-based software, Moment of Inspiration (Moi3D) is a great "Rhino lite" and perfect for conceptualizing industrial
design ideas with ease. I've worked with other types of 3-D
design packages including SketchUp, Maya and 3DS Max, but their operation cost is out of reach for the hobbyist and non-school enrolled learner. Blender has come a long way and is certainly becoming a major player for polygonal modeling and rendering. Blender is free, open-source and has a great community and that is where I've been as of late.
My career goal beyond graphic design is to work in the field of industrial design, prototyping and even some 'archviz' but in the macrocosmic scope including the disciplines of electrical and mechanical engineering, user interface, aesthetics, marketing and etc..
The range of my portfolio (as shown) is too broad for any specific trade skill desired by particular companies but after three decades of experience I've amassed many design disciplines that when combined, make the end-product of my work more commercially desirable and I've made millions for my employers. A product or design should work intuitively, functionally and elegantly within a multitude of settings. _ Pipe Spring
1946 Kaibab Paiute Lodge Restroom Facilities Addition at Pipe Spring National Monument
Fictional setting faithfully recreated from a dream.
Showcasing modern-day continual restoration and preservation of original, period-accurate mid-20th century bathroom fixtures and original (as within fictional dream-derived pretext) thematic decoration and artworks by artists from the Paiute, Navajo, Hopi and Havasupai tribal communities. The greater lodge would presumably be under the joint auspice of the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and local tribal nation oversight. Amenities include ADA-compliant accommodations, adjoining shower facilities and lockers.
Modeled in Blender and Moment of Inspiration, Rendered in Blender Cycles Mural work created in Verve Painter
A full-size 17000+ pixel rendering can be downloaded here... _

The "William" sofa, following the Blender tutorial
by Andrew Price.
Modeled in Blender, Rendered in Cycles.

City Within
Modeled in Moment of Inspiration, Rendered in Kerkythea

Custom Bats
Bee Key - The "Stinger"
Bee-Themed Dual-Lever CW Paddle concept. Modeled in Moment of Inspiration, Rendered in Kerkythea
The Bee Box
Bee-Themed Modular Portable Open-Source Media Center Modeled in Moment of Inspiration, Rendered in Kerkythea
Software-Defined Radio powered by the Raspberry Pi. Modeled in Moment of Inspiration, Rendered in Thea Render

The Boiler
Concept Watch Design Moi3D Gallery / Forum Discussion

The Black Friday List
Modeled in Moment of Inspiration, Rendered in Thea Render
 Master Series - CW Key Cluster
Modeled in Moment of Inspiration, Rendered in Kerkythea
  Champion Rings
Custom Sports Rings for Softball Champions (Several Versions - Economy to Precious) Modeled in Moment of Inspiration, Rendered in Kerkythea.
Produced in quantity by a ring manufacturer. Top photo & Middle Right (rendered previews) / Middle Left (rendered dispersion light study) Lower Left (product) / Lower Right (mold casting proof) Lost wax die cast in base potting allow, plated in silver or platinum with set gemstones & placements. _

is a powerful but easy-to-use NURBS-based CAD application which is well
suited for artists, hobbyists and even professionals. Rapidly create
fabrication-accurate 3D models using elegant, but highly precise
spline-based curves and infinitely smooth surfaces. Complex 3D geometry can be made from the most rudimentary 2D shapes with Moi3D's easy and intuitive tool set.
Models and scenes can be annotated with descriptions and dimensions and easily exported to your favorite rendering application or in many great formats including .PDF, .AI, .3DM (Rhino 5), .STL, .OBJ and more! Moi3D, for Windows and Mac, can run on any device from laptops to tablets when inspiration strikes and without the constraints of overloaded UI's and cumbersome command panels.
Visit the forums at to converse with countless other Moi3D enthusiast who help innovate, teach and bring this rare gem of a program to the masses. You can also speak with the creator/programmer, Michael Gibson, who will very graciously answer your questions.
Try Moi3D for yourself and download the fully functional 30-day Trial edition! A license is only $295 and students pay only $99 which is the same cost of any future version upgrades.
Visit today - Click Here!
Want to learn before starting the trial? A 'no-save' version is yours with no time limit and you can follow along my great tutorials as tens of thousands of satisfied Moi3D users have already done!
Take me to the tutorials!!

Edited: 05/25/23
All images, photography and design work on this site is copyrighted:
(c)2023 Copyright - Michael A. Maynard, a.k.a. K4ICY
Reposting images [without pecuniary gain] is allowed without express
permission only with noted credit and associated link to this
site and/or page.